Photo of Professor Md Zahidul Islam Professor Zahid Islam

PhD University of Newcastle Australia, Grad Dip UNSW Australia, BSC in Engineering RUET Bangladesh

Zahid Islam (Full name: Md Zahidul Islam) is a Professor of Computer Science, in the Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences (FoBJBS) in Charles Sturt University, Australia.

He has been serving as the Associate Dean (Research) of the Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences (FoBJBS) since September 2023.

He served as the Director of the Data Science and Engineering Research Unit (DSERU) from January 2019 until September 2023. Besides, he served as the Theme Lead and Charles Sturt University (CSU) Academic Lead for the Cyber Security CRC from January 2021 until September 2023. He also served as the Chair of the School Research Committee of the School of Computing, Mathematics and Engineering until September 2023.

His main research interests are in Data Mining, Classification and Clustering algorithms, Missing value analysis, Outliers detection, Data Cleaning and Preprocessing, Incremental Learning, Transfer Learning, Federated Learning, Privacy Preserving Data Mining, Cyber Security, and Applications of Data Mining in real life.

  • Zahid has been ranked #2 and #17 in Australia in the research areas of Decision Tree and Data Mining, respectively, by the recent ScholarGPS rankings. For the Decision Forest research topic, he is in the Top 1.08% out of 275,321 researchers worldwide in this category, and for Genetic Algorithms, he is in the Top 0.49%, out of 90,888 researchers worldwide. Overall, he is ranked in the Top 1.18% among 29,174,400 researchers worldwide. For the last five-year evaluation period, he is ranked in the Top 0.99% globally for all fields of research.
  • He has also been included in the 2024 Stanford University - Elsevier World Top 2% Scientists list, which is another esteemed ranking that identifies the most cited scholars in their fields.

For a brief overview on his research leadership and research interest please visit the Research link.

He has published 150+ peer reviewed journal articles and conference papers in top quality journals [such as IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (CORE A*), Pattern Recognition (CORE A*), ACM Computing Surveys (CORE A*), Information Sciences (CORE A), Information Systems (CORE A*), Future Generation Computer Systems (CORE A), Expert Systems with Applications (h-index 271, Impact Factor 7.5) and Knowledge and Information Systems (h-index 160, Impact Factor 7.2), Climatic Change (h-index 217, Impact Factor 5.4) and others] and conferences such as PAKDD (CORE A) and IJCNN (CORE A). A complete list of his publications can be accessed at the Publications link where pre-prints of many of them are available.

He is a co-recipient of more than 25 external grants with a combined cash funding (excluding in kind contributions) of more than $11.0 M to the projects. A list of his external grants is available at the Grants link. He received a number of awards. Some awards are recognition of top quality achievements of some projects. For eaxample, a project funded by the NSW Health received an Innovation Award in 2017 from the NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation. Another project team received the Cyber Security Researcher of the Year Award 2021 from the Australian Information Security Association (AISA) for a project funded by the Cyber Security CRC and Quintessence Lab. A list of his awards is available at the Latest News link.

Zahid has supervised/co-supervised 11 PhD students to successful completion at Charles Sturt University. He is also currently supervising/co-supervising 12 PhD students at Charles Sturt University. A complete list of his PhD students can be seen at the Research link. Any potential PhD students are encouraged to contact him via email at zislam at

Code for many algorithms co-authored by Zahid is publicly available. A list of the algorithms with publicly available code is available at the Code link. You may also watch short videos on some of his data mining techniques on the Youtube channel, Zahid's Data Mining Channel. He served as a Conference Co-Chair, Program Committee Co-Chair, Session Chair, Section Editor and Reviewer of journals and PhD theses, as presented on the Research page. He served (from Jan. 2012 to Dec. 2018) as the Course Coordinator of the Honours course at the School of Computing, Mathematics and Engineering.

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