Remember, this only happened in Anon’s fantasy
But what an insight in her personality. From Bang Dream! It’s Mygo!!!!! episode 11, as Anon tries to get the other band members invested in her costuming ideas. That she has to be in the center of attention is no surprise, nor is her need for glamour. She consistently wants to dress the band up when everybody else is happy to just perform in their street clothes or school uniform. What is surprising is how thirsty her fantasy is.
BangDream has never been a very horny franchise; there has been occasional fanservice but much less than in say IdolM@ster. And MyGo!!!!!/Ave Mujica have been even less interested. Only in Anon’s fantasy here has any hint of sexiness been shown. interesting too is that not only does she have Tomori clinging to her, which you may have expected, but Taki on her other side, glowering somewhat but still looking at her. Soyo, next to taki, looks a bit amused by it all but again still looking at her. Raana is the only one not either connected to or looking at Anon. Is this some hint at how Anon sees her bandmates romantically?
Now for all its psychodrama and not so latent lesbianism undercurrents, both series have been remarkably chaste when it comes to romance. Even stalker girl Uika seems only to want to be with Sakiko, not do anything with her regardless of how down bad she seems. Anon’s fantasy here truly is the only hint of anything sexual in either series so far. Honestly, this may be just because every other girl in either band has just too many mental problems to even think about being thirsty, so it’s all up to the relatively ‘normal’ Anon to carry the flag for proper yuri.
Did you know there’s an actual ANON TOKYO website?