CEUR-WS.org/Vol-822 - Workshop on Publishing Papers with CEUR-WS 2010
[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-822

Copyright © 2010 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted only for private and academic purposes. This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors.

Knowledge Federation 2010
Self-Organizing Collective Mind

Second International Workshop on
Knowledge Federation

Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 3-6, 2010.

Edited by

Dino Karabeg *
Jack Park **

* University of Oslo, Faculty of Computer Science, POB 1080 Blindern, 0316 Oslo, Norway
** TopicQuests Foundation

Table of Contents


  1. The Praxis of Social Knowledge Federation
    Arnim Bleier, Patrick Jahnichen, Uta Schulze, Lutz Maicher
  2. Steps Towards a Federated Course Model
    Dino Karabeg
  3. On Nature and Control of Creativity: Tesla as a Case Study
    Dejan Rakovic
  4. Semiotic Perspective on Sensemaking Software and Consequences for Journalism
    Shiqin "Eddie" Choo
  5. Towards a Federated Framework for Self-evolving Educational Experience Design on Massive Scale (SEED-M)
    George P�r
  6. Context-Driven Social Network Visualisation: Case Wiki Co-Creation
    Jukka Huhtamaki, Jaakko Salonen, Jarno Marttila, Ossi Nykanen
  7. Boundary Infrastructures for Conversational Knowledge Federation
    Jack Park
  8. Combinatorial Inquiries into Knowledge Federation
    Karl F. Hebenstreit Jr.
  9. An Ark for the Exaflood Rushing upon Us
    Mei Lin Fung, Robert S. Stephenson
  10. Webbles: Programmable and Customizable Meme Media Objects in a Knowledge Federation Framework Environment on the Web
    Micke N. Kuwahara, Yuzuru Tanaka
  11. Causality in collective filtering
    Mario Paolucci, Stefano Picascia, Walter Quattrociocchi
  12. Images of knowledge. Interfaces for knowledge access in an epistemic transition
    Marco Quaggiotto
  13. New ecosystem in journalism: Decentralized newsrooms empowered by self-organized crowds
    Tanja Aitamurto

30-Dec-2011: submitted by Jack Park
31-Dec-2011: published on CEUR-WS.org