[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-748

Copyright � 2011 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted only for private and academic purposes. This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors.

OSEMA 2011
Ontology and Semantic Web for Manufacturing 2011

Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Ontology and Semantic Web for Manufacturing

co-located with the 8th Extended Semantic Web Conference, ESWC2011

Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May 29, 2011.

Edited by

Alexander Garc�a *
Carlos Toro **
Luis Ramos ***
Lutz Schröder ****

*University of Bremen, Cartesium, 28359 Bremen, Germany
**VICOMTech, San Sebasti�n, 20009, Spain
***University of Bremen, Cartesium, 28359 Bremen, Germany
****DFKI, Cartesium, 28359 Bremen, Germany

Table of Contents

  1. Linking Data for Industrial Knowledge Management - A Case Study 1-8
    Katariina Nyberg, Matias Frosterus, Eero Hyv�nen
  2. Supporting Runtime Decision Making in the Production Automation Domain Using Design Time Engineering Knowledge 9-22
    Thomas Moser, Wikan Danar Sunindyo, Munir Merdan, Stefan Biffl
  3. Ontological Knowledge Based System for Product, Process and Resource Relationships in Automotive Industry 23-36
    Muhammad Baqar Raza, Robert Harrison
  4. A Semantic Web Representation of a Product Range Specication based on Constraint Satisfaction Problem in the Automotive Industry 37-50
    Fadi Badra, Fran�ois-Paul Servant, Alexandre Passant
  5. A Knowledge Dashboard for Manufacturing Industries 51-63
    S. Mazumdar, A. Varga, V. Lanfranchi, F. Ciravegna

The whole proceedings can also be downloaded as a single file (pdf).

04-Jul-2011: submitted by Luis Ramos
04-Jul-2011: published on CEUR-WS.org
07-Jul-2011: correct workshop date