[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-729

Copyright © 2011 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted only for private and academic purposes. This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors.

HamIS 2011
Health Ambient Information Systems Workshop 2011

Proceedings of the Health Ambiant Information Systems Workshop, HamIS 2011

co-located with the 6th Ibero-american Congress on Telematics, CITA 2011

Gramado, Brazil, May 17, 2011.

Edited by
  1. Christine Verdier - LIG-SIGMA, Grenoble University, France
    [email protected]
  2. Lucinéia Heloisa Thom - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil
    [email protected]
  3. Claudia Roncancio - LIG-SIGMA, Grenoble University, France
    [email protected]

Table of Contents

  1. Combining Timed Data and Expert's Knowledge to Model Human Behavior
    Laura Pomponio, Marc Le Goc, Eric Pascual
    LSIS - Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Information et des Systèmes and CSTB - Centre Scientfique et Technique du Bâtiment
  2. e-Health Monitoring Applications: What about Data Quality?
    Claudia C. Gutiérrez Rodríguez, Michel Riveill
    CNRS - University of Nice
  3. Process Model for Data Mining in Health Care Sector
    Diego Roa - María del Pilar Villamil, Juan Diego Arboleda
    Los Andes University and Oracle Bogota,Colombia
  4. Using and Integrating Discount Usability Engineering in the Life Cycle of a Health Care Web Application
    Fabrício Ferracioli, Maria Angélica de Oliveira Camargo-Brunetto
    Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  5. Models for Automatic Retrieval of Health Information on the Web
    Ana Marilza Pernas, Jonas Bulegon Gassen, José Palazzo Moreira de Oliveira
    Centro de Desenvolvimento Tecnológico, Universidade Federal de Pelotas and Instituto de Informática, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
  6. Comparison of ECG Beat Classification methods on a Mobile System
    Fernando Arena Varella, Guilherme L.de Lima, Cirano Iochpe, Valter Roesler
    Instituto de Informática, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


We would like to express our gratitude to the CITA 2011 organizers, to our invited speakers and authors. We also would like to thanks the PNPD and the SticAmSud Programs of the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) from the Brazilian Government.

29-Jun-2011: submitted by Lucinéia Heloisa Thom
01-Jul-2011: published on CEUR-WS.org