[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-70

© 2003 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted for private and scientific purposes. Re-publication of material on this page requires permission by the copyright owners.

I PGL DataBase Research Conference

Proceedings of the I PGL Database Research Conference

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 10-11, 2003.

Edited by

Rubens N. Melo *
Diva de Souza e Silva *
Sean W. M. Siqueira *

* Computer Science Department, Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Rua Marques de Sao Vicente, 225, Gavea, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brazil, 22453-900

Table of Contents

  1. A Database Approach to Partnership in Global Learning
    Rubens N. Melo, L�cia Blondet Baruque
  2. Towards a Plan-based Learning Environment
    Angelo E. M. Ciarlini, Antonio L. Furtado
  3. The Practice of Instructional Design: The Process and Its Application
    Ana L�cia Rossi Mendon�a
  4. Exploring Learning Objects under Conceptual, Instructional and Didactic Perspectives
    Ellen Francine Barbosa, Jos� Carlos Maldonado, Ivan Luiz Marques Ricarte
  5. The Various Stages of an Instructional Systems Development Methodology for e-learning Modules
    L�cia Blondet Baruque, Rubens Nascimento Melo
  6. The LearningOnline Network with Computer-Assisted Personalized Approach (LON-CAPA)
    Gerd Kortemeyer, Guy Albertelli, Wolfgang Bauer, Felicia Berryman, Jeremy Bowers, Matthew Hall, Edwin Kashy, Deborah Kashy, Helen Keefe, Behrouz Minaei-Bidgoli, William F. Punch, Alexander Sakharuk, Cheryl Speier
  7. A Metropolitan Ethernet Network (MEN) Testbed
    Leonardo S. Mendes, Jos� H. M. Maciel
  8. Web-service-based, Dynamic and Collaborative E-learning
    Stanley Y. W. Su, Gilliean Lee
  9. Workflows in Learning Object (LO)-Oriented Web-Based E-Learning Delivery Environments
    Luiz Ant�nio M. Pereira
  10. ROSA: A Data Model and Query Language for e-Learning Objects
    F�bio Porto, Ana Maria de C. Moura, Adriana P. Fernandez, Ab�lio Fernandes, F�bio Jos� Coutinho da Silva, Gilda Helena Bernardino de Campos, Laura Coutinho
  11. Fine-grained Representation of Educational Content based on Ontologies
    Howard Beck
  12. E-Learning Environments: An Integrated View
    Maria Helena L. Baptista Braz, Sean W. M. Siqueira

submitted by Sean Siqueira, May 08, 2003