[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-656

Copyright © 2010 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted only for private and academic purposes. This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors.

I-UxSED 2010
Interplay between User Experience and Software Development

Proceedings of the First International Workshop on the Interplay between User Experience and Software Development

Reikjavick, Iceland, October 17th, 2010.

Edited by

Effie L-C Law *
Silvia Abrahão +
Jan Stage #

* ETH Zürich, Switzerland & University of Leicester , UK.
+ Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain.
# Aalborg University, Denmark.

Table of Contents

  1. The Relevance of UX Models and Measures 5-7
    Asbjørn Følstad
  2. Divergence of User eXperience: Professionals vs. End Users 8-12
    Anssi Jääskeläinen, Kari Heikkinen
  3. Intangible Trust Requirements - How to Fill the Requirements Trust �Gap�? 13-17
    Tim French, Wei Huang
  4. Two Gaps instead of One. The interplay between User Experience Engineering and Interaction Design 18-20
    Timo Jokela
  5. Investigating the Usefulness of Methods for Evaluating User Experience of Social Media Applications 21-27
    Amela Karahasanovic, Marianna Obrist
  6. Matching HCI Methods and Developers Values in eXtreme Programming Development Processes 28-29
    Peter Wolkerstorfer, Manfred Tscheligi, Claudia Oppenauer-Meerskraut, Arjan Geven
  7. Analysis of the Persuasiveness of User Experience Feedback on a Virtual Learning Environment 30-39
    Daniel Müller, Effie L-C Law, Stefan Strohmeier
  8. A New Perspective on UX: The Indirect User Experience 40-42
    Ole Andreas Alsos
  9. Learning from User Experience in the Design of a Playful Feedback Tool 43-49
    Vibeke Vold, Barbara Wasson

The whole proceedings can also be downloaded as a single file (pdf).

21-Oct-2010: submitted by Silvia Abrahão, Adrián Fernández
23-Oct-2010: published on CEUR-WS.org