[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-607

Copyright � 2010 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted only for private and academic purposes. This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors.

1st Educators' Day on Web Engineering Curricula

Proceedings of the 1st Educators' Day on Web Engineering Curricula

Vienna, Austria, July 6, 2010.

Edited by

Birgit Pröll *
Sigi Reich **
Martin Gaedke ***

* Johannes Kepler University Linz, Associate Professor, A-4040 Linz, Austria
** Salzburg Research, Managing Director, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria
*** Chemnitz University of Technology, Full Professor, D-09107 Chemnitz, Germany

Table of Contents

    Session 1

  1. Web Engineering Curriculum - A Review of 12 Years of Delivery at Postgraduate Level
    Yogesh Deshpande, Athula Ginige
  2. Student Research in Web Engineering: An International Perspective on Internal and External Opportunities
    Larry Hatch, Thomas J. Heistracher
  3. An Analysis of Textbooks for Web Engineering
    Birgit Pröll, Sigfried Reich
  4. Session 2

  5. Competence Centered Specialization in Web Engineering Topics in a Software Engineering Masters Degree Programme
    Peter Dolog, Lone Leth Thomsen, Bent Thomsen, Jan Stage
  6. Using Web Design Patterns to Support Students� Web Engineering Group Projects: Lessons Learned
    Susana Montero, Paloma D�az, Ignacio Aedo
  7. A Draft Web Engineering Curriculum Pattern
    Antonio Navarro
  8. Session 3

  9. Security and Computer Forensics in Web Engineering Education
    William Bradley Glisson, Ray Welland, L. Milton Glisson
  10. Session 4

  11. A Course on Web Programming
    Tuomas Turto, Tommi Mikkonen
  12. Automatic Assessment of JavaScript Exercises
    Ville Karavirta, Petri Ihantola

30-Jun-2010: submitted by Birgit Pröll
30-Jun-2010: published on CEUR-WS.org