[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-601

Copyright © 2010 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted only for private and academic purposes. This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors.

EOMAS 2010

Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Enterprise & Organizational Modeling and Simulation

Hammamet, Tunisia, June 7 - 8, 2010.
In conjunction with the CAISE'10 - 22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering

Edited by

EOMAS 2010 Workshop Chairs
Joseph Barjis (1)
Murali Mohan Narasipuram (2)
Ghaith Rabadi (3)

CAiSE 2010 Workshop Chairs
Jolita Ralyt� (4)
Pierluigi Plebani (5)

(1) Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
(2) City University of Hong Kong, China
(3) Old Dominion University, USA
(4) University of Geneva, Switzerland
(5) Politecnico di Milano, Itally

Table of Contents

    Preface I
    Joseph Barjis

    Keynote Presentation

  1. Business Process Simulation Revisited V-VI
    Wil van der Aalst
  2. Research Papers

  3. Automated Model Transformations Based on STRIPS Planning 1-13
    Oldrich Nouza, Vojtech Merunka, Miroslav Virius
  4. A Framework and Methodology for Enterprise Process Type Configurations 14-29
    Peter Bollen
  5. A Structural Verification of Web Services Composition Compatibility 30-41
    Kamel Barkaoui, Maryam Eslamichalandar, Meryem Kaabachi
  6. Proposition of a Generic Metamodel for Modeling Interorganizational Business Processes 42-56
    Khoutir Bouchbout, Jacky Akoka, Zaia Alimazighi
  7. Reengineering the Learning Process in a Transport Company 57-68
    Pieter de Vries, Heide Lukosch
  8. Gross Product Simulation with pooling of Linear and Nonlinear Regression Models 69-76
    Ahmad Flaih, Abbas Abdalmuhsen, Ebtisam Abdulah, Srini Ramaswamy
  9. Actionable Meta Models to Support Inter Organizational Business Processes Modeling for e-Services 77-83
    P. Radha Krishna, Murali Mohan Narasipuram
  10. Discovering Organizational Perspective in Workflow using Agent Approach: An illustrative Case Study 84-98
    Mahdi Abdelkafi, Lotfi Bouzguenda
  11. Towards a Center for Modeling and Simulation: The Case for Jordan 99-112
    Ghaith Rabadi, Hazem Kaylani
  12. Modeling Cross-Docking Operations using Discrete Event Simulation 113-120
    Georges Arnaout, Elkin Rodriguez-Velasquez, Ghaith Rabadi, Rami Musa
  13. Feasibility Study Inputs based on Requirements Engineering 121-132
    Robert Pergl
  14. Towards the Conceptual Normalisation 133-141
    Martin Molhanec
  15. Real-time Web Services Orchestration and Choreography 142-153
    Kawtar Benghazi, Carlos Rodríguez-Domínguez, Ana Belén Pelegrina, and José Luis Garrido

The whole proceedings can also be downloaded as a single file (pdf).

21-Jun-2010: submitted by Jolita Ralyté
21-Jun-2010: published on CEUR-WS.org