[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-512

Copyright � 2009 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted for private and academic purposes. Re-publication of material from this volume requires permission by the copyright owners. This volume is published by its editors.

Understanding the User - Logging and Interpreting User Interactions in
Information Search and Retrieval (UIIR-2009)

Proceedings of the Workshop on Understanding the User - Logging and Interpreting User Interactions in Information Search and Retrieval (UIIR-2009), Boston, MA, USA, July 23, 2009.

Workshop in Conjunction with SIGIR-2009, Boston, MA, USA, July 19-23 2009.

Edited by

Nicholas J. Belkin *
Ralf Bierig *
Georg Buscher %
Ludger van Elst %
Jacek Gwizdka *
Joemon Jose #
Jaime Teevan &

* Rutgers University, USA
% DFKI GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany
# Glasgow University, Scotland
& Microsoft Research, USA

Table of Contents

Preface, pages i-v
  1. Demonstration of Improved Search Result Relevancy Using Real-Time Implicit Relevance Feedback.
    Mark Cramer, Mike Wertheim and David Hardtke, pages 1-7
  2. A User-Centered Experiment and Logging Framework for Interactive Information Retrieval.
    Ralf Bierig, Jacek Gwizdka and Michael Cole, pages 8-11
  3. Incorporating User Behavior Information in IR Evaluation.
    Emine Yilmaz, Milad Shokouhi, Nick Craswell and Stephen Robertson, pages 12-15
  4. Faceted Search for Library Catalogs: Developing Grounded Tasks and Analyzing Eye-Tracking Data.
    Robert Capra, Bill Kules, Matt Banta and Tito Sierra, pages 16-18
  5. How Task Types and User Experiences Affect Information-Seeking Behavior on the Web: Using Eye-tracking and Client-side Search Logs.
    Hitomi Saito, Hitoshi Terai, Yuka Egusa, Masao Takaku, Makiko Miwa and Noriko Kando, pages 19-22
  6. Framework of a Real-Time Adaptive Hypermedia System.
    Rui Li, Evelyn Rozanski and Anne Haake, pages 23-27
  7. Inferring the Public Agenda from Implicit Query Data.
    Laura Granka, pages 28-31
  8. Evaluation of Digital Library Services Using Complementary Logs.
    Maristella Agosti, Franco Crivellari and Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio, pages 32-35
  9. Watching Through the Web: Building Personal Activity and Context-Aware Interfaces using Web Activity Streams.
    Max Van Kleek, David Karger and mc schraefel, pages 36-39
  10. Annotating URLs with Query Terms: What Factors Predict Reliable Annotations?
    Suzan Verberne, Max Hinne, Maarten van der Heijden, Eva D'hondt, Wessel Kraaij and Theo van der Weide, pages 40-43
  11. Evaluating the Impact of Snippet Highlighting in Search.
    Tereza Iofciu, Nick Craswell and Milad Shokouhi, pages 44-47
  12. Using Domain Models for Context-Rich User Logging.
    Stephen Dignum, Yunhyong Kim, Udo Kruschwitz, Dawei Song, Maria Fasli and Anne De Roeck, pages 48-50
  13. Catching the User - User Context through Live Logging in DAFFODIL.
    Claus-Peter Klas and Matthias Hemmje, pages 51-52
  14. Massive Implicit Feedback: Organizing Search Logs into Topic Maps for Collaborative Surfing.
    Xuanhui Wang and ChengXiang Zhai, pages 53-54
  15. HCI Browser: A Tool for Studying Web Search Behavior.
    Robert Capra, pages 55-56
  16. Catching the User - Logging the Information Retrieval Dialogue.
    Paul Landwich, Claus-Peter Klas and Matthias Hemmje, pages 57-59
  17. Identifying User Behaviour Between Logged Interactions.
    Max Wilson and mc schraefel, pages 60-61
Complete Workshop Proceedings (~4.7MB)

06-Nov-2009: submitted by Ludger van Elst
06-Nov-2009: published on CEUR-WS.org