[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-45

© 2001 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted for private and scientific purposes. Re-publication of material on this page requires permission by the copyright owners.

Proceedings of the


8th International Workshop on
Knowledge Representation meets Databases

Rome, Italy
September 15, 2001

Edited by:
Maurizio Lenzerini, Università di Roma ``La Sapienza'', Rome, Italy ( [email protected])
Daniele Nardi, Università di Roma ``La Sapienza'', Rome, Italy ( [email protected])
Werner Nutt, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK ( [email protected])
Dan Suciu, University of Washington, Seattle, USA ( [email protected])

KRDB2001 is an affiliate event with the 27th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2001, Rome, September 11-14, 2001).

Table of Contents


Containment of Regular Path Expressions under Integrity Constraints. A. Deutsch and V. Tannen

Path Constraints from a Modal Logic Point of View. N. Alechina, S. Demri and M. de Rijke

Approximate Reasoning in Semistructured Data. G. Grahne and A. Thomo

Schema Extraction from XML: A Grammatical Inference Approach. B. Chidlovskii

Semantic Lossy Compression of XML Data. M. Cannataro, G. Carelli, A. Pugliese and D. Saccà

From XML to Relational Databases. Y. Men-hin and A. Wai-chee Fu

Capturing Data using XML Paragraph-centric Document. I. Badr, M. Sayah, M. Laforest and A. Flory

A Framework for Generic Integration of XML Sources. W. May

Towards a Comprehensive Methodological Framework for Integration. D. Calvanese, S. Castano, F. Guerra, D. Lembo, M. Melchiori, G. Terracina, D. Ursino and M. Vincini

Towards a General Theory of Advanced Transaction Models in the Situation Calculus. I. Kiringa

submitted by W. Nutt, October 19, 2001