[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-415

Copyright © 2008 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted for private and academic purposes. Re-publication of material from this volume requires permission by the copyright owners.

Assistive Technologies for People with Vision and Hearing Impairments: Assistive Technology for All Ages

Proceedings of the Conference and Workshop on Assistive Technologies for People with Vision and Hearing Impairments: Assistive Technology for All Ages (CVHI-2007)

Granada, Spain, 28th � 31th August, 2007

Edited by

Marion Hersh*
James Ohene-Djan (Web Editor)**

* Electronics & Electrical Engineering,
Rankine Building, University of Glasgow, G12 8LT
[email protected]
Tel: +44 (0)141-330 5218
fax: +44 (0)141-330 4907

** Department of Computing, Goldsmiths College
University of London, SE14 6NW,London, UK
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +44 (0)20-7919-7862
Fax: +44 (0)20-7919-7853

Complete Proceedings Book of Abstracts

Table of Contents

Conference Foreword
Marion Hersh

Conference Keynote
Dana Marlowe

Session 1: Orientation and Mobility Systems for Visually Impaired People
  1. Terrain analysis for blind wheelchair users: computer vision algorithms for finding curbs and other negative obstacles.
    James Coughlan and Huiying Shen
  2. Texture based Text Detection in Natural Scene Images � A Help to Blind and Visually Impaired Persons
    Shehzad Muhammad Hanif and Lionel Prevost
  3. Experiments of virtual navigation as a step in the development of a navigation tool for blind people
    Eleanor Fontaine, Guillaume Tatur, Edwige Pissaloux
  4. Body mounted vision system for visually impaired outdoor and indoor wayfinding assistance
    Sylvie Treuillet, Eric Royer, Thierry Chateau, Michel Dhome, Jean-Marc Lavest
Session 2: Access to Education and Information
  1. Improving social life and communication of people with disabilities by using Internet facilities
    Adina Ionescu, Ileana Hamburg, Zoltan Puklus, Attila K�rt�si
  2. Towards a methodology for educating students with special needs
    Paloma Cant�n, Angel Lucas Gonz�lez, Gonzalo Mariscal, and Carlos Ruiz
  3. Socially inclusive e-learning models in companies
    Ileana Hamburg, Thorsten Busse, Andreea Peca, Adina Ionescu
  4. Incorporating accessibility within pedagogical environments
    David Crombie, Neil McKenzie and Benjie Marwick Johnstone
Session 3: Assistive Technology for Independence
  1. Designing Tangible table-top interfaces for Patients in Rehabilitation
    Michael Leitner, Martin Tomitsch, T. K�ltringer, K. Kappel, T. Grechenig
  2. E-voting � a key to independence for all
    Erik Loide and �lle Lepp
  3. The Ambient Intelligence and the Assistive Technologies for Elderly, Visually and Hearing Impaired Users in Slovakia
    Du�an �im��k, Alena Galajdov�, Zlatica Doln�, Jana Andrejkov�
  4. Biomimetic Space-Variant Sampling in a Vision Prosthesis Improves the User�s Skill in a Localization Task
    Barth�l�my Durette, L. Gamond, S. Hanneton, D. Alleysson, J. H�rault
  1. Multimodal access to mathematics: the LAMBDA system
    Cristian Bernareggi and Sauro Cesaretti
Session 4: Improving the Accessibility of Complex Content
  1. An accessible and usable E-Book as an educational tool: how to get it?
    Barbara Leporini
  2. Haptic and aural graphs exploration for visually impaired users
    Thimoty Barbieri, Lorenzo Mosca and Licia Sbattella
  3. Speech and Braille tools to improve access to university scientific courses
    Cristian Bernareggi
  4. E-learning platform for interactive access to multimedia materials in Daisy format
    Piotr Brzoza
Session 5: Access to Multi-Media for Hearing Impaired People
  1. SUBPAL: A device for reading aloud subtitles from television and cinema
    Simon Nielsen and Hans-Heinrich Bothe
  2. OCR-algorithm for detection of subtitles in television and cinema
    Morten J�nsson and Hans-Heinrich Bothe
  3. Emotional subtitles: A system and potential applications for deaf and hearing impaired people
    James Ohene-Djan, Jenny Wright and Kirsty Combie-Smith
  4. A system for control of hearing instrument selection and adjustment based on evaluation of correct transmission of speech elements and features
    Axel Plinge and Dieter Bauer
Panel Discussion Assistive Technology and Social Inclusion for Deaf and Hearing Impaired People from Ethnic and Other Minority Groups
  1. Taking into account cultural and linguistic factors: the Tunisian experience
    Mohammed Jemni
  2. The ethnic minority end-user perspective
    Sadaqat Ali
  3. Adaptive, inclusive software design for People with Vision and Hearing Impairments
    James Ohene-Djan
Session 6: Sign Language and Access to Information for Deaf People
  1. The need to develop deaf friendly materials for young Black Minority Ethnic Deaf experiencing identity issues
    Sadaqat Ali, Saduf Naqvi and Ken Carter
  2. End-user involvement in assistive technology design for the deaf - are artificial forms of sign language meeting the needs of the target audience?
    Saduf Naqvi
  3. Joining Hands: Developing A Sign Language Machine Translation System with and for the Deaf Community
    Sara Morrissey and Andy Way
  4. Design Implications for a Ubiquitous Ambient Sound Display for the Deaf
    Martin Tomitsch, T. Grechenig
Session 7: Telephony and Other Services for Hearing Impaired People
  1. Sign language MMS to make cell phones accessible to the deaf and hard-of-hearing community
    Mohammed Jemni, Oussama El Ghoul, Nour Ben Yahia, Mehrez Boulares
  2. Telephone and Hearing Impaired - New Approaches for Increasing the Telephone Speech Quality for Hearing Impaired Users
    Jan Krebber
  3. Household sound identification for people with hearing disabilities
    H�ctor Lozano Peiteado, I. Hernaez, J. Gonz�lez, I. Idigoras
Author Biographies

11-Nov-2008: submitted by James Ohene-Djan
11-Nov-2008: published on CEUR-WS.org