Conceptual Structures: Extracting and Representing Semantics
Contributions to ICCS 2001
The 9th International Conference on
Conceptual Structures
University, California, USA
30th to August 3rd, 2001.
Guy W. Mineau (Ed.)
Dept. of Computer Science
Faculty of Sciences and Engineering
University Laval
Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
ICCS is a yearly conference that proposes
to explore ways of acquiring, representing and exploiting human knowledge based
on conceptual models of representation that rely heavily on graphical
representations. Mainly focused on the conceptual graph (CG) formalism of John
Sowa, this conference has expanded its scope to welcome all other related
theories: formal concept analysis, formal ontologies, description logics,
situation theory, discourse representation theory, SNePS, and other related
topics. This year it held a joint session with the 2001 International Workshop
on Description Logics, and included workshops on Natural Language Semantics, on
the Semantic Web, and CG Tools. Additionally, ICCS was co-located with the
Semantic Web Workshop of the DARPA DAML Program and the OntoWeb Network.
of Content:
Following a series of seven annual
workshops, the International Conferences on Conceptual Structures (ICCS) have
been held annually in Europe (Darmstadt, 2000; Montpellier, 1998), Australia
(Sydney, 1996), and North America (Blacksburg, 1999; Seattle, 1997; Santa Cruz,
1995; Washington, 1994; Quebec City, 1993). Their focus is on the formal
analysis and representation of conceptual knowledge with applications to
artificial intelligence, computational linguistics, and related areas of
computer science.
Historically, a group of researchers
working on the theory and applications of conceptual graphs (CG) founded ICCS. Over
the years, they have broadened the scope to include a wide range of related
theories: formal concept analysis, formal ontologies, description logics,
situation theory, discourse representation theory, SNePS, and other related
Papers presented at ICCS 2001 cover the
following topics: conceptual graphs (theory, applications, and experience with
case studies); formal concept analysis, natural language processing with
emphasis on semantics and pragmatics; conceptual analysis, knowledge modeling,
representation, and visualization; knowledge acquisition; and the theory and
applications of ontologies.
The conference proceedings are published
each year by Springer-Verlag as part of their Lecture Notes on Artificial
Intelligence (LNAI) series (#699, #835, #954, #1115, #1257, #1453, #1640,
#1867). This year's proceedings are also published by Springer-Verlag (LNAI
#2120), and papers describing on-going research are published in these
supplementary proceedings.
Each paper in this volume was classified
under one of the following three categories: querying, extracting semantics,
and conceptual categories. As we move towards knowledge servers accessible over
the World Wide Web, the issues pertaining to the extraction of semantics from
text, to the creation of relevant and meaningful structures that capture this
knowledge (like ontologies), and our subsequent ability to query these
knowledge structures are of the outmost importance. This year's conference
definitely draws a path in the right direction. We hope that you enjoy the
papers that it has to offer, and that they are useful in your own research.
Robert Levinson (USA)
Harry Delugach
Gerd Stumme
Robert Spillers
Galia Angelova (Bulgaria)
Michel Chein (France)
Peter Eklund (Australia)
John Esch (USA)
Bernhard Ganter (Germany)
Roger Hartley (USA)
Mary Keeler
Lotfi Lakhal
Wilfried Lex
Deborah McGuinness
Guy Mineau (Canada)
Bernard Moulin
Marie-Laure Mugnier (France)
Heather Pfeiffer (USA)
Uta Priss (USA)
John Sowa (USA)
Bill Tepfenhart
Rudolf Wille
Jean-François Baget (France)
Tru Cao (U.K.)
Carpineto (Italy)
Paul Compton (Australia)
Dan Corbett (Australia)
Judy Dick
David Genest
Olivier Gerb�
Goble (UK)
Robert Godin
Michel Habib
Haemmerl� (France)
Adil Kabbaj
Adalbert Kerber
Kuznetsov (Germany)
Kocura (UK)
Wolfgang Lenski
Graham Mann (Australia)
Philippe Martin (Australia)
Jo�o P. Martins (Portugal)
Ralf Moeller (Germany)
Aldo de Moor
Amadeo Napoli
Lhouari Nourine
Peter �hrstr�m
Patel-Schneider (USA)
Silke Pollandt (Germany)
Susanne Prediger (Germany)
Richard Raban (Australia)
Anne-Marie Rassinoux
Daniel Rochowiak
Eric Salvat (France)
Ulrike Sattler (Germany)
Stuart Shapiro (USA)
Finnegan Southey (Canada)
Thanwadee Thanitsukkarn (Thailand)
Petko Valtchev (Canada)
Michel Wermelinger (Portugal)
Karl Erich Wolff (Germany)
CG-KQML+: An Agent Communication Language and its Use in a
Multi-Agent System
K. Bouzouba, B.
Moulin, A. Kabbaj
An Algorithmic Definition of CG Operations Based on a
Bootstrap Step
Kabbaj, B. Moulin
A CG Query Engine Based on Relational Power Context Families
Groh, P. Eklund
A Web-based Browsing Mechanism Based on Conceptual Structures
Kim, P. Compton
Authoring Operations Based on Weighted Schemata
F. H. Gatzemeier
Hoede, L. Zhang
CGExtract: Towards Extraction of Conceptual Graphs from
Controlled English
S. Boytcheva, P. Dobrev,
G. Angelova
Dependency Analysis Using Conceptual Graph
L. Cox, H. S. Delugach
Conceptual Modeling Systems: Active Knowledge Processes in
Conceptual Categories
Landauer, K. L. Bellman
Multi-dimensional Representations of Conceptual Hierarchies
P. Becker
A Triadic Model of Information Flow
Relational Constructions on Semiconcept
The Philosophical Foundation of Conceptual Knowledge � A Sociopragmatic Approach
Wyssusek, M. Schwartz, B. Kremberg
Mephu Nguifo
SemTalk: A RDFS Editor for Visio 2000
C. Fillies, F.
D. McGuinness
K.E. Wolff