[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-387

Copyright © 2008 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted for private and academic purposes. Re-publication of material from this volume requires permission by the copyright owners.

Inclusive E-Learning: Special Needs and Special Solutions

Proceedings of the Workshop on Inclusive E-Learning: Special Needs and Special Solutions

Maastricht, The Netherlands, September 16, 2008.

Edited by

Andreas Lingnau *
Alke Martens **
Andreas Harrer ***

* Knowledge Media Research Center, 72072 Tübingen, Germany
** University of Rostock, Institute of Computer Science, Albert-Einstein-Stra�e 21, Rostock, Germany
*** University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Mathematisch-Geographische Fakultät, Eichstätt, Germany

Table of Contents

  1. Modelling pre-writing tasks to improve graphomotricity processes
    Beatriz Barros, Ricardo Conejo, Alberto deDiego-Cottinelli & Javier Garcia-Herreros
  2. A Collaboration of ICT teacher training and primary school for special educational need children in Hungary
    Brigitta Réthey-Prikkel & Márta Turcsányi-Szabó
  3. On the way to digital literacy for everyone: A user interface agent to assist (not only) blind computer users
    Martina Weicht & Alke Martens
  4. The Use of Formal and Informal Learning Environments by Students with Physical Difficulties
    Argiroula Ath. Petrou, Sofoklis Sotiriou Theodoros Arvanitis, James F. Knight
  5. Designing ICT-based Learning Scenarios for Special Target Groups - Meeting Senior Learner Needs
    Christian Petter & Kathrin Helling
  6. Use of cooperative learning scenarios in Computer Teaching for students with disabilities through an Internet platform
    Argiroula Ath. Petrou, Dimitracopoulou Aggeliki

10-Sep-2008: submitted by Andreas Lingnau
10-Sep-2008: published on CEUR-WS.org