[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-361

© 2008 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted for private and academic purposes. Re-publication of material from this volume requires permission by the copyright owners.

eUniverSALearning 2007

Post-proceedings of the International Conference on Technology, Training and Communication. Extended Papers
Salamanca, Spain, September 12-14, 2007.

Edited by

Antonio L�pez Eire
Francisco Jos� Garc�a Pe�alvo
Antonio Miguel Seoane Pardo
Erla Mariela Morales Morgado

Universidad de Salamanca, Grupo de investigaci�n en Interacci�n y eLearning (GRIAL), Plaza de los Ca�dos, S/N, 37008, Salamanca, Espa�a
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Table of Contents

SECTION 1: Evaluation, Quality Management and Strategic Issues in eLearning

  1. The Pythagorean School, a Model of Reference for Knowledge Building and Learning Communities in eLearning Contexts
    Antonio M. Seoane Pardo & Francisco J. Garc�a Pe�alvo. Universidad de Salamanca
  2. Implantation of a System of Educational Evaluation for the Quality Guarantee
    David Montes, Ana-Bel�n Gil, Jos� �ngel Dom�nguez & Javier Gonz�lez Benito. Universidad de Salamanca
  3. Design of eLearning Interaction Spaces: Lessons Learned from Practice
    Adriana Berlanga, �ngeles Bosom, Mar�a Jos� Hern�ndez, Elisa Fern�ndez. Universidad de Salamanca
  4. Online students: Towards a Systemic Analysis on their Input Profile.
    Olga D�ez Fern�ndez Universidad de Salamanca
  5. Videogame Motivational Factors: Considerations for E-learning
    Beatriz Marcano. Universidad de Salamanca

SECTION 2: eLearning Platforms and Virtual Environments Systems

  1. ClayNet Evolution Towards mLearning and Information Visualization Technologies
    Miguel �ngel Conde, Carlos Mu�oz, Jorge Reyero. Universidad de Salamanca & Departamento de I+D+i CLAY Formaci�n Internacional
  2. Software Engineering Analysis Process Applied on an e-Learning System
    Hugo Rego, Tiago Moreira & Francisco J. Garc�a. Universidad de Salamanca
  3. The Learning Virtual Environment AulaWeb in the Training period of Education Students
    Mar�a Jes�s Gallego & Vanesa G�miz. Universidad de Granada
  4. e-Learning Enhanced Technology Implementation: a Virtual Campus Case
    Hugo Rego, Tiago Moreira, Jo�o Branco & Francisco J. Garc�a. Universidad de Salamanca
  5. Open Source LMS Customization. A Moodle Stadistical Control Application
    Carlos Mu�oz, Miguel �ngel Conde, Jorge Reyero. Departamento de I+D+i CLAY Formaci�n Internacional
  6. Visual Analitics, for Virtual Education Platforms
    Diego Alonso G�mez Aguilar, Roberto Theron y Francisco Garc�a Pe�alvo. Universidad de Salamanca

SECTION 3: Semantic Web and Learning Objects

  1. The Web Semantic Approach like Tool for the e-Learning
    Ana Vanessa Legu�zamo Le�n. Universidad Central de Venezuela
  2. Contributions of the Web 2.0 to Collaborative work around Learning Objects
    M� Esther Del Moral, Doina Ana Cernea, Lourdes Villalustre Martínez. Universidad de Oviedo
  3. Free Software Tools for the Authoring of SCORM Learning Objects
    Artemio Moj�n Ojea. Universidad de Vigo. Universidad de Oviedo
  4. Repositories in the Semantic Web. A Reinforcement to e-Learning
    Ana Bel�n Rodr�guez Garc�a. Universidad de Salamanca.
  5. Managing Learning Objects Metadata
    Hugo Rego, Tiago Moreira & Francisco J. Garc�a. Universidad de Salamanca
  6. A Proposal to define LOs together with Pedagogical Granularity Level
    Erla M. Morales Morgado, Francisco J. Garc�a Pe�alvo y �ngela Barr�n Ruiz. Universidad de Salamanca

SECTION 4: Analysis of Training Experiences and Cases of Study

  1. An experience about Content Managing in Secondary Education
    Sergio Bravo Mart�n & Francisco J. Garc�a Pe�alvo. Universidad de Salamanca
  2. e-Learning Strategies to Support Databases Courses: a Case Study
    Luisa M. Regueras, Elena Verd�, Mar�a J. Verd�, Mar�a �. P�rez & Juan P. De Castro. Universidad de Valladolid
  3. E-learning Resources for Teaching Chemical Engineering
    Francisco Garc�a-Herruzo, Ana Garc�a-Rubio, C�sar G�mez-Lahoz, Jos� Miguel Rodr�guez-Maroto y Carlos Vereda-Alonso. Universidad de M�laga

SECTION 5: eLearning Tools and Experiences Applied to Mathematics

  1. On the Affective Profiling in Mathematics e-Learning
    Giovannina Albano & Rossella Ascione. Universit� di Salerno & Universit� di Napoli "Federico II"
  2. Joining Educational Mathematics
    Olga Caprotti, Mika Sepp�l� & Matti Pauna. University of Helsinki
  3. Learning Mathematics in the diversity: Play with Divertimates
    C. S. Gonz�lez, D. Guerra, H. Sanabria, N. Noda, A. Bruno & L. Moreno. Universidad de La Laguna
NOTE: The papers published in this volume are extended versions of the papers presented at eUniverSALearning-2007. Most of the papers only have their titles and abstracts in English language and their contents in Spanish language.
27-June-2008: submitted by E. M. Morales
27-June-2008: published on CEUR-WS.org
1-Jul-2008: corrected workshop date
4-Sep-2008: corrected author list of paper 3.2