[CEUR Workshop P
roceedings] Vol-34

© 2000 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted for private and scientific purposes. Re-publication of material on this page requires permission by the copyright owners.


PAKM 2000
Third International Conference on
Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management

Proceedings of the Third International Conference 
Basel, Switzerland, October 30-31, 2000

Edited by

Ulrich Reimer

Swiss Life
IT Research&Development
P.O. Box, 8022 Zurich, Switzerland

The conference was sponsored by Swiss Life, Switzerland.
The slides of most presentations can be found at the PAKM2000 Web Site.
A hard copy of these proceedings is available on demand from [email protected].


Table of Contents

Invited Talks:

Regular Papers:

  1. The Times They Are A-Changin' ­ The Corporate History Analyzer

  2. J. Angele, H.-P. Schnurr, S. Staab, R. Studer
  3. Case Based Reasoning for Knowledge Management in KDD Projects

  4. K. Bartlmae, M. Riemenschneider
  5. Facilitating the Online Search of Experts at NASA using Expert Seeker People-Finder

  6. I. Becerra-Fernandez
  7. A Scenarios Mediated Approach for Tacit Knowledge Acquisition and Crystallisation: Towards Higher Return-On-Knowledge and Experience

  8. Cheah Yu-N, S.S. Raza Abidi
  9. Knowledge Management and Collaboration

  10. P. Clarke, M. Cooper
  11. Knowledge Management in the Service and Support Business

  12. K.A. Delic, U. Dayal
  13. Situated Knowledge Management - KM on the Borderline between Chaos and Rigidity

  14. M. Diefenbruch, M. Hoffmann, A. Misch, H. Schneider
  15. Development and Evaluation of Clustering Techniques for Finding People

  16. M.D. Dunlop
  17. A Multi-Agent System to Support Exploiting an XML-based Corporate Memory

  18. F. Gandon, R. Dieng, O. Corby, A. Giboin
  19. Managing Knowledge through Experimentation and Socialisation

  20. M. Handzic
  21. The EU-Project PROMOTE: A Process-Oriented Approach for Knowledge Management

  22. D. Karagiannis, R. Telesko
  23. Context Framework - an Open Approach to Enhance Organisational Memory Systems with Context Modelling Techniques

  24. R. Klemke
  25. How Information Technology Could Benefit from Modern Approaches to Knowledge Management

  26. C. Lueg, R. Riedl
  27. Know-How Sharing Using a Knowledge Sharing System KIDS - A Knowledge Management Practice at a Research Laboratory -
    Y. Nakayama, K. Sumita, K. Sasaki, T. Manabe, M. Suzuki
  28. A Framework for Characterizing Knowledge Management Methods, Practices, and Technologies

  29. B.D. Newman, K.W. Conrad
  30. Recognition and Measurement of Intellectual Resources: The Accounting-Related Challenges of Intellectual Capital

  31. D. O'Donnell, P. O'Regan, V. O'Regan
  32. A Framework to Create Performance Indicators in Knowledge Management

  33. R. Roy, F.M. del Rey, B. van Wegen, A. Steele
  34. Knowledge Management and New Product Development: Learning from a Software Development Firm

  35. A.B. Shani, J.A. Sena
  36. Shareholder Value through Knowledge Management - How IT-based Knowlegde Management Generates the Conditions for Creating and Retaining Value

  37. M. Stadelmann
  38. Leveraging Corporate Skill Knowledge - From ProPer to OntoProPer

  39. Y. Sure, A. Maedche, S. Staab
  40. Providing Informational Support for Argumentation: The ISA Project

  41. F. Yetim
  42. Knowledge Re-Use as Engineering Re-Use: Extracting Values from Knowledge Management

  43. C. Yeung, T. Holden
  44. Towards an Extended Enterprise Memory in Textile Industry

  45. M. Zacklad, I. Boughzala, N. Matta

submitted by Ulrich Reimer, November, 10, 2000