[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-300

© 2007 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted for private and academic purposes. Re-publication of material on this page requires permission by the copyright owners.

SAMT 2007
2nd International Conference on Semantic and Digital Media Technologies
Poster and Demo Proceedings

Poster and Demo Proceedings of the
2nd International Conference on Semantic and Digital Media Technologies

Genoa, Italy, December 5-7, 2007

Edited by

Riccardo Albertoni 1
Michela Mortara 1

1 Institute of Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy

Front Matter

Table of Contents

  1. LIVE: Semantic-based Multi-Stream Broadcasting of Media Events
    Tobias Bürger, Rupert Westenthaler, Christian Eckes, Felix Zielke, Janez Zetelij, and Richard Wages
  2. Region-based Annotation Tool using Partition Trees
    Xavier Giró, Neus Camps and Ferran Marqués
  3. Knowledge-based Semantic Annotation and Retrieval of Multimedia Content
    Giorgos Akrivas, Georgios Th. Papadopoulos, Matthijs Douze, Johannes Heinecke, Noel O�Connor, Carsten Saathoff, Simon Waddington
  4. Architecture for Enhancing Video Analysis Results using Complementary Resources
    Jan Nemrava, Paul Buitelaar, Thierry Declerck, Vojtech Svátek, Josef Petrák, Andreas Cobet, Herwin Zeiner, David Sadlier, Noel O�Connor
  5. Deploying Multimedia Metadata on the Semantic Web
    Michael Hausenblas, Werner Bailer, Tobias B�rger, Raphaël Troncy
  6. SAPIR: Scalable and Distributed Image Searching
    Fabrizio Falchi , Mouna Kacimi, Yosi Mass, Fausto Rabitti, Pavel Zezula
  7. EASAIER Semantic Music Retrieval Portal
    Michael Luger, Ying Ding, Francois Scharffe, Rubing Duan and Zhixian Yan
  8. The POLYSEMA MPEG-7 Video Annotator
    George Valkanas, Vassileios Tsetsos and Stathes Hadjiefthymiades
  9. User-Centric Retrieval of Visual Surveillance Content
    Jerome Meessen, Xavier Desurmont, Christophe De Vleeschouwer and Jean-Fran�ois Delaigle
  10. Bridging the Semantic Gap: Exploring Descriptive Vocabulary for Image Structure
    Caroline Beebe
  11. The Multimodal and Multidimensional Content and Media
    Franca Giannini
  12. The AIM@SHAPE Adventure: Mission and Results
    Bianca Falcidieno
  13. Semantic Annotation Of Digital 3D Objects
    Marco Attene, Francesco Robbiano, Giuseppe Patan�, Michela Mortara, Michela Spagnuolo and Bianca Falcidieno
Author Index

submitted by R. Albertoni, 28-Nov-2007
published on CEUR-WS.org, 28-Nov-2007