[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-251

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SBPM 2007
Semantic Business Process and Product Lifecycle Management

Proceedings of the Workshop on
Semantic Business Process and Product Lifecycle Management

held in conjunction with the 3rd European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2007)
Innsbruck, Austria, June 7, 2007

Edited by

Martin Hepp 1)
Knut Hinkelmann 2)
Dimitris Karagiannis 3)
Rüdiger Klein 4)
Nenad Stojanovic 5)

1) Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI), University of Innsbruck, Austria
2) Institute for Business Information Technology, FHNW University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, Olten, Switzerland
3) Department of Knowledge and Business Engineering, University of Vienna, Austria
4) Fraunhofer IPK, Berlin, Germany
5) FZI � Research Center for Information Technologies at the University of Karlsruhe, Germany

Table of Contents

    Vision, Framework and Methodologies

  1. Semantic Business Process Management: A Lifecycle Based Requirements Analysis (full paper)
    Branimir Wetzstein, Zhilei Ma, Agata Filipowska, Monika Kaczmarek, Sami Bhiri, Silvestre Losada, Jose-Manuel Lopez-Cob, Laurent Cicurel
  2. A Survey on Workflow Annotation & Composition Approaches (full paper)
    Florian Lautenbacher, Bernhard Bauer
  3. Putting Business Intelligence into Documents (position paper)
    Tobias Bürger

    Target Applications, Showcases and Proof-of-Concept

  4. Ontology-based representation of compliance requirements for service processes (full paper)
    Rainer Schmidt, Christian Bartsch, Roy Oberhauser
  5. A Model-driven Approach for Internal Controls Compliance in Business Processes (position paper)
    Kioumars Namiri, Nenad Stojanovic
  6. Semantic Business Process Analysis (position paper)
    Irene Celino, Ana Karla Alves de Medeiros, Gernot Zeissler, Michael Oppitz, Federico Facca, Stefan Zoeller
  7. KISS - Knowledge-Intensive Service Support for Agile Process Management (position paper)
    Daniela Feldkamp, Knut Hinkelmann, Barbara Thönssen

    Ontologies for Semantic Business Process Management

  8. An Ontology for Executable Business Processes (full paper)
    Jörg Nitzsche, Daniel Wutke, Tammo van Lessen
  9. Semantic EPC: Enhancing Process Modeling Using Ontology Languages (full paper)
    Oliver Thomas, Michael Fellmann
  10. Towards an Ontology for Process Monitoring and Mining (full paper)
    Carlos Pedrinaci, John Domingue
  11. Semantically enhanced Business Process Modelling Notation (position paper)
    Witold Abramowicz, Agata Filipowska, Monika Kaczmarek, Tomasz Kaczmarek

    Tools and Infrastructure

  12. Semantic Business Process Repository (full paper)
    Zhilei Ma, Branimir Wetzstein, Darko Anicic, Stijn Heymans, Frank Leymann
  13. A BPMO Based Semantic Business Process Modelling Environment (position paper)
    Marin Dimitrov, Alex Simov, Sebastian Stein, Mihail Konstantinov
  14. An Ontology-based modelling tool for knowledge-intensive services (position paper)
    Knut Hinkelmann, Simon Nikles, Lukas von Arx

submitted by K. Hinkelmann, 5-Jun-2007
published on CEUR-WS.org, 5-Jun-2007