Copyright ©
2017 for the individual papers
by the papers' authors. Copying permitted for private and academic purposes.
This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors.
SEIM 2017
The Second Conference on Software Engineering and Information Management
Proceedings of the Second Conference on Software Engineering and Information Management
Saint Petersburg, Russia, April 21, 2017.
Edited by
George Chernishev *
Marat Akhin **
Boris Novikov *
Vladimir Itsykson **
* Saint Petersburg University,
Mathematics and Mechanics Faculty, 198504 Saint Petersburg, Russia
** Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University,
Institute of Computer Science and Technologies, 194021 Saint Petersburg, Russia
The Second Conference on Software Engineering and Information Management (SEIM-2017) aims to bring together students, researchers and practitioners in different areas of software engineering and information management. We consider SEIM-2017 to be a stepping stone for young researchers, which should help them familiarize with the conference workflow, practice writing academic papers, gather valuable feedback about their research and expand their research network.
These proceedings include the SEIM-2017 papers, which were selected by the Program Committee for publication in CEUR-WS.org. These papers passed not only the original review procedure, but also an additional round of post-review with the conference feedback. The additional information about the SEIM conference series can be found on the conference website at: http://2017.seim-conf.org/
Table of Contents
DeepApi#: Синтез цепочки вызовов API CLR/С# по текстовому запросу
(DeepAPI#: CLR/C# Call Sequence Synthesis from Text Query)
Alexander Chebykin, Mikhail Kita, Iakov Kirilenko
Implementing Common Table Expressions for MariaDB
Galina Shalygina, Boris Novikov
Разработка аспектно-ориентированного расширения для языка Kotlin
(Aspect-oriented Extension for the Kotlin Programming Language)
Boris Skripal, Vladimir Itsykson
Automatic Creation of Stock Trading Rules on the Basis of Decision Trees
Dmitry Iskrich, Dmitry Grigoriev
Smoothing Algorithm for Magnetometric Data
Mariya Pashkova, Sofya Ilinykh, Natalia Grafeeva
A study of PosDB Performance in a Distributed Environment
George Chernishev, Viacheslav Galaktionov, Valentin Grigorev, Evgeniy Klyuchikov, Kirill Smirnov
A Survey of Database Dependency Concepts
Nikita Bobrov, Anastasia Birillo, George Chernishev
The Overview Of Anomaly Detection Methods in Data Streams
Viacheslav Shkodyrev, Kamil Yagafarov, Valentina Bashtovenko, Ekaterina Ilyina
2017-06-22: submitted by Marat Akhin,
metadata incl. bibliographic data published under Creative Commons CC0
2017-06-22: published on CEUR-WS.org
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