[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-165

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MCMP '05
First International Workshop on Managing Context Information in Mobile and Pervasive Environments

Proceedings of the First International Workshop on
Managing Context Information in Mobile and Pervasive Environments

May 9, 2005, Ayia Napa, Cyprus

Edited by

Wathiq Mansoor *
Mohamed Khedr +
Djamal Benslimane #
Zakaria Maamar *
Manfred Hauswirth **
Karl Aberer **

* Zayed University, Dubai, UAE
# Lyon 1 University, Lyon, France
+ Arab Academy for Science and Technology, , Cairo, Egypt
** Ecole Polytechnique F�d�rale de Lausanne (EPFL) , Switzerland

Table of Contents

  1. Semantic Discovery for Context-Aware Service Provisioning in Mobile Environments.
    Alessandra Toninelli, Antonio Corradi and Rebecca Montanari
  2. Service-Oriented Context-Aware Application Design.
    Tarak Chaari, Fr�d�rique Laforest, and Augusto Celentano
  3. Semantic and Syntactic modeling of component-based services for context-aware pervasive systems using OWL-S.
    Davy Preuveneers and Yolande Berbers
  4. InfoStar: An Adaptive Visual Analytic Platform for Mobile Devices.
    By Antonio Sanfilippo, Richard May, Gary Danielson, Bob Baddeley, Rick Riensche, Skip Kirby, Sharon Collins, Susan Thornton, Kenneth Washington, Matt Schrager, Jamie Van Randwyk, Bob Borchers, and Doug Gatchell
  5. On Supporting Context-Aware Preferences in Relational Database Systems.
    Kostas Stefanidis, Evaggelia Pitoura, and Panos Vasiliadis
  6. Integrated Context Management for Multi-domain Pervasive Environments.
    Rui Jos�, Filipe Meneses and Adriano Moreira
  7. Direct Interruptability Prediction and Scenario-based Evaluation of Wearable Devices: Towards Reliable Interruptability Predictions.
    Abraham Bernstein, Peter Vorburger and Patrice Egger
  8. Interruptability Prediction Using Motion Detection
    Peter Vorburger, Abraham Bernstein and Alen Zurfluh
  9. A Context-Based Architecture for Learning How to Make Contextualized Decisions.
    By Oana Bucur, Olivier Boissier and Philippe Beaune
  10. Augmentation of Content with Context Meta-data: The Mobile Collector.
    Andreas Zimmermann and Andreas Lorenz
  11. Distributed Context Data Management.
    fredrik Kilander, Wei Li, Carl Gustaf Jansson, Theo Kanter, Gerald Maguire
  12. Distributed algorithms for Constructing and Maintaining a Spanning Tree in a Mobile Ad hoc Network.
    Hichem Megharbi and Hamamache Kheddouci
  13. Context driven, adaptive tour computation and information presentation.
    Ronny Kramer, Marko Modsching, Joerg Schulze, Marcel Hermkes and Klaus ten Hagen
  14. OntoNav: A Semantic Indoor Navigation System.
    Christos Anagnostopoulos, Vassileios Tsetsos, Panayotis Kikiras, Stathes P. Hadjiefthymiades
  15. Model Checking for Sentient Computing: An Axiomatic Approach.
    Eleftheria Katsiri, Alan Mycroft
  16. Matching User's Semantics with Data Semantics in Location-Based Services.
    Shijun Yu, Lina Al-Jadir, Stefano Spaccapietra

submitted by Wathiq Mansoor, December 7, 2005