[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-145

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XML4BPM 2005
XML for Business Process Management

Proceedings of the Second GI-Workshop XML4BPM - XML for Business Process Management
held at the 11th Conference Business, Technologie, and Web (BTW 2005)
Karlsruhe (Germany), 01 March 2005.

Edited by

Markus N�ttgens *
Jan Mendling +

* University of Hamburg, D-20146 Hamburg, Germany
+ Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, A-1090 Vienna, Austria.

XML4BPM proceedings

Table of Contents

  1. A Survey on State of the Art to Facilitate Modelling of Cross-Organisational Business Processes (pages 7-22)
    Sonia Lippe, Ulrike Greiner, Alistair Barros
  2. Towards Workflow Pattern Support of Event-Driven Process Chains (EPC) (pages 23-38)
    Jan Mendling, Gustaf Neumann, Markus N�ttgens
  3. Model-driven Development of Web Service Transactions (pages 23-38)
    Benjamin A. Schmit, Schahram Dustdar
  4. XML based Process Management in Cryo-Biotechnology: The ChameleonLab (pages 55-64)
    Christopher H.P. Durst, Frank R. Ihmig, Heiko Zimmermann, Matthias Biel, Martin Daffertshofer
  5. Improving Workflow Project Quality Via Business Process Patterns Based on Organizational Structure Aspects (pages 65-80)
    Lucin�ia Heloisa Thom, Cirano Iochpe, Bernhard Mitschang
  6. XML-based Transformation of Business Process Models - Enabler for Collaborative Business Process Management (pages 81-94)
    Dominik Vanderhaeghen, Sven Zang, Anja Hofer, Otmar Adam

submitted by J. Mendling, August 13, 2005