[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-132

� 2005 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted for private and scientific purposes. Re-publication of material on this page requires permission by the copyright owners.

CICU 2005
Ubiquitous Computing

Proceedings of the First Iberoamerican Congress on Ubiquitous Computing

Alcal� de Henares, Madrid (Spain), May 4-6, 2005.

Edited by

Jos� R. Hilera Gonz�lez *
Jos� A. Guti�rrez de Mesa *
Roberto Barchino Plata *

* Computer Science Department, University of Alcala, 28871 Alcal� de Henares (Madrid), Spain

Table of Contents

  1. Dynamical algorithm to balance the load by means of use of vectors of probabilities and adaptative matrixes
    �ngel Azpicueta Gonz�lez, Juan A. Rodrigo Yanes, Mar�a del Carmen Fern�ndez Rodr�guez, Juan Jos� P�rez
  2. The problems of printing in �Server-Based Computing� environments
    Luis Bengochea Mart�nez
  3. Security mechanisms for Ad Hoc networks in urban environments
    Enrique de la Hoz, Iv�n Mars�, Bernardo Alarcos
  4. Relative Positioning System Using Acoustic Sensors for Ubiquitous Computing Applications
    Carlos De Marziani, Jes�s Ure�a, �lvaro Hern�ndez, Manuel Mazo, Ana Jim�nez, Fernando Alvarez, J. Manuel Villadangos
  5. Medical protocols for taking decisions, in an ubiquitous computation context
    Eladio Dom�nguez, Beatriz P�rez, �urea Rodr�guez, Mar�a A. Zapata
  6. Ubiquitous E-management of indicators
    Eladio Dom�nguez, �ngel De Miguel, Beatriz P�rez, �urea Rodr�guez, Mar�a A. Zapata
  7. SIGLAS: An example of Ubiquitous Computing in a warehouse management
    Jos� J. Gonz�lez-Pozo, Manuel Ortega
  8. Ubiquitous computing M2M: Technologies and emergent applications
    Jos� Antonio Guti�rrez de Mesa
  9. Service Oriented Architecture
    Isaac Guti�rrez G�mez, Salvador Ot�n Tortosa
  10. Wireless Services Evolution
    Jos� Mar�a Guti�rrez, Jaime C�ceres, Juan Jos� P�rez
  11. A model based architecture for the semi-automatic generation of multiplatform applications: Brake system diagnostic application
    Francisco Jurado, Mar�a J. Santofimia, Miguel A. Redondo
  12. A methodological proposal for the development of videogames for mobile phones
    Alfonso L�pez, Javier Mart�nez, Carmen Pag�s
  13. A practical aproach to user location awareness in smart home environments using Bluetooth
    Iv�n Mars� Maestre, Miriam Machuca, Andr�s Navarro, Juan R. Velasco
  14. Real-time Multiagent Systems
    Iv�n Mars� Maestre, Sebasti�n S�nchez Prieto, Juan R. Velasco
  15. WiFi global localization system and its application in a navigation system based on POMDP
    Manuel Oca�a, Luis M. Bergasa, Miguel A. Sotelo, R. Flores
  16. Learning Objects universal publishing and location Architecture using Web Services
    Antonio Ortiz Ba�llo, Salvador Ot�n Tortosa, Roberto Barchino Plata
  17. Wireless solution for the implementation of a telemedicine system
    J.M.R. Ascariz, L. Boquete, I. Bravo, P. Mart�n
  18. Comparative analysis of GSM/GPRS modems
    Pablo S�nchez-Oro, Ra�l Llamazares, Juan Manuel V�zquez, Jos� Abel Sequeira, Jos� Javier Fern�ndez
  19. Communication and Information technologies for a lesser class attendance
    Jos� R. Gonz�lez, Katia Cela, Rafael Cambralla, Carlos A. Luna
  20. OSS and proprietary software in devices of mobile telephony: Domestic and tendencies law and the most relevant corporate movements
    Ricardo J. Rejas-Muslera, Juan J. Cuadrado Gallego, Javier Dolado Cos�n, Daniel Rodr�guez Garc�a
  21. Scanning and securing wireless networks
    Iv�n Forcada Atienza, Juan Antonio Rodrigo Yanes, Jos� Antonio Guti�rrez de Mesa

submitted by J.R. Hilera Gonz�lez, May 25, 2005