[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-13

© 1998 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted for private and scientific purposes. Re-publication of material on this page requires permission by the copyright owners.

Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management

Proceedings of the Second International Conference
Basel, Switzerland, October 29-30, 1998

Edited by

Ulrich Reimer

Swiss Life
Information Systems Research
P.O. Box, 8022 Zurich, Switzerland

The workshop is sponsored by UBS, Switzerland and Swiss Life, Switzerland.
A hard copy of these proceedings is available on demand from [email protected].

Table of Contents

Extended Abstracts of Invited Talks:

Regular Papers:

  1. A Practical Approach Bridging Individual Learning and Organizational Learning: A Look at Organizational Learning in the E&P Industry
    C.D. Alworth, E. Frost, F. Kessler
  2. Towards a Holistic Knowledge Leveraging Infrastructure: The KNOWNET Approach
    D. Apostolou, G. Mentzas
  3. Modeling Discourse Acts in Computer-Assisted Collaborative Decision Making
    A. Ballim, N. Karacapilidis
  4. Knowledge Management through Ontologies
    V.R. Benjamins, D. Fensel, A. Gómez Pérez
  5. KnowPort: A Personal Knowledge Portfolio Tool
    M.C. Bettoni, R. Ottiger, R. Todesco, K. Zwimpfer
  6. Helping Clients Harness Knowledge to Drive Innovation
    D. Connor, M. Gutknecht
  7. The Knowledge Garden
    M. Crossley, J. Davies, A. McGrath, M. Rejman-Greene
  8. Knowledge Management: A Text Mining Approach
    R. Feldman, M. Fresko, H. Hirsh, Y. Aumann, O. Liphstat, Y. Schler, M. Rajman
  9. The Role of Models in Leveraging Information
    B.W. Hollocks
  10. Document Research Based on Collaborative Provided Structural Knowledge
    H. Huber
  11. Organisational Memory Systems: Application of Advanced Database & Network Technologies in Organisations
    F. Lehner, R. Maier, O. Klosa
  12. Managing the Knowledge Contained in Technical Documents
    M. Lenz
  13. Considering Collaborative Filtering as Groupware: Experiences and Lessons Learned
    C. Lueg
  14. Knowledge Asset Road Maps
    A. Macintosh, I. Filby, A. Tate
  15. A Pull Approach to Knowledge Management: Using IS as a Knowledge Indicator to Help People Know when to Look for Knowledge Reuse
    S. Mahé, Ch. Rieu
  16. Managing Corporate Knowledge: A Comparative Analysis of Experiences in Consulting Firms
    G. Mentzas, D. Apostolou
  17. Collaborative Concept Extraction from Documents
    K. Nakata, A. Voss, M. Juhnke, Th. Kreifelts
  18. Concepts of the Enterprise Knowledge Medium
    A. Röpnack, M. Schindler, Th. Schwan
  19. The CMG Knowledge Intranet
    C. Sellens, O.L.F. Wilson
  20. Efficient Information Retrieval: Tools for Knowledge Management
    K. Stanoevska-Slabeva, A. Hombrecher, S. Handschuh, B. Schmid
  21. Evaluation of the Management of Knowledge in Cardiovascular Perfusion Using the KIPP-Model
    J. Lindsay, T. Struck, C. Baber
  22. Perspectives on Introducing Enterprise Knowledge Management
    K.M. Wiig
  23. Buckman Laboratories ``Work Profiles'' Software Program
    L.T. Wilson, M.S. Koskiniemi

submitted by U.Reimer, November, 6, 1998