[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-124

© 2002 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted for private and scientific purposes. Re-publication of material on this page requires permission by the copyright owners.

DBFusion 2002
Information Integration and Mining in Databases and on the Web

Proceedings of the
2nd International Workshop on Databases, Documents, and Information Fusion
Karlsruhe, Germany, July 4-5, 2002.

Edited by

Alexander Maedche *+
Kai-Uwe Sattler #
Gerd Stumme +

+ Institute AIFB, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
* FZI Research Center for Information Technologies, Karlsruhe, Germany
# Institut f�r Technische und Betriebliche Informationssysteme, Otto-von-Guericke-Universit�t Magdeburg, Germany

Table of Contents

  1. Outlining Temporally Parameterised Visualisation in Support of Information Fusion
    Roland Jesse
  2. Ontology Based Extraction of Company Profiles
    Sylke Kr�tzsch, Dietmar R�sner
  3. Propositionalization and Redundancy Treatment
    Mark-A. Krogel, Stefan Wrobel
  4. Mining XML Data with Frequent Trees
    Alexandre Termier, Marie-Christine Rousset, Mich�le Sebag
  5. A Fuzzy Language for Querying Reconciliated Views
    Silvana Castano, Danilo Montesi, Alberto Trombetta
  6. An Improved Algorithm for Feature Selection Using Fractal Dimension
    Haiqin Zhang, Chang-Shing Perng, Qingsheng Cai
  7. Creation and Merging of Ontology Top-Levels
    Bernhard Ganter, Gerd Stumme
  8. The Role of Ontology in Integrating Semantically Heterogeneous Databases
    Chris Partridge
  9. On Views in the Semantic Web
    Raphael Volz, Daniel Oberle, Rudi Studer
  10. Towards Data Mining Operators in Database Systems: Algebra and Implementation
    Ingolf Geist, Kai-Uwe-Sattler

submitted by G. Stumme, 22-Dec-2004