[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-121

� 2004 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted for private and scientific purposes. Re-publication of material on this page requires permission by the copyright owners.

Application of
Language and Semantic Technologies
to support
Knowledge Management Processes
(LSTKM 2004)

Proceedings of the EKAW 2004 Workshop on
Application of Language and Semantic Technologies to support Knowledge Management Processes

Whittlebury Hall, 8th October, 2004.

Edited by

Philipp Cimiano *
Fabio Ciravegna #
Enrico Motta +
Victoria Uren +

* Institut AIFB, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
# Natural Language Processing Group , University of Sheffield, UK
+ Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University, UK,

Table of Contents

  1. KeyNote: Annotation for the semantic Web
    Siegfried Handschuh
  2. Exploiting Technical Terminology for Knowledge Management
    Fabio Rinaldi and Elia Yuste
  3. Integrating Information Extraction, Ontology Learning and Semantic Browsing into Organizational Knowledge Processes
    Jos� Iria, Fabio Ciravegna, Philipp Cimiano, Alberto Lavelli, Enrico Motta, Luca Gilardoni and Eddie M�nch
  4. Relation Labelling in Ontology Learning: Experiments with Semantically Tagged Corpus
    Martin Kavalec and Vojtech Sv�tek
  5. Ontology-Based Semantic Annotation for Biochip Domain
    Khaled Khelif and Rose Dieng-Kuntz
  6. Lexicon Generation by Extraction of Context Patterns
    Victoria Uren and Enrico Motta
  7. Evaluating DOGMA-lexons Generated Automatically from a Text Corpus
    Peter Spyns, A. Johannes Pretorius and Marie-Laure Reinberger
  8. From Discourse Analysis to Answering Design Questions
    Sanghee Kim, Rob Bracewell and Ken Wallace
  9. Adding Spatial Semantics to Image Annotations
    Laura Hollink, Gieng Nguyen, Guus Schreiber, Jan Wielemaker, Bob Wielinga and Marcel Worring

submitted by V. Uren, 1 December, 2004