Jet energy spectrum and substructure in $e^+e^-$ collisions at 91.2 GeV with ALEPH Archived Data
/ Chen, Yi (MIT) ; Badea, Anthony (Harvard U.) ; Baty, Austin (Rice U.) ; Chang, Paoti (Taiwan, Natl. Taiwan U.) ; Chien, Yang-Ting (Georgia State U.) ; Innocenti, Gian Michele (CERN) ; Maggi, Marcello (INFN, Bari) ; McGinn, Christopher (Colorado U.) ; Perepelitsa, Dennis V. (Colorado U.) ; Peters, Michael (MIT) et al.
The first measurements of energy spectra and substructure of anti-$k_{T}$ jets in hadronic $Z^0$ decays in $e^+e^-$ collisions are presented. The archived $e^+e^-$ annihilation data at a center-of-mass energy of 91.2 GeV were collected with the ALEPH detector at LEP in 1994. [...]
arXiv:2111.09914; MITHIG-MOD-21-001.-
2022-06-03 - 28 p.
- Published in : JHEP 2206 (2022) 008
Fulltext: 2111.09914 - PDF; document - PDF;
Dynamo: Handling Scientific Data Across Sites and Storage Media
/ Iiyama, Yutaro (CERN ; Tokyo U., ICEPP) ; Maier, Benedikt (MIT, LNS) ; Abercrombie, Daniel (MIT, LNS) ; Goncharov, Maxim (MIT, LNS) ; Paus, Christoph (MIT, LNS)
Dynamo is a full-stack software solution for scientific data management. Dynamo's architecture is modular, extensible, and customizable, making the software suitable for managing data in a wide range of installation scales, from a few terabytes stored at a single location to hundreds of petabytes distributed across a worldwide computing grid. [...]
2021-04-12 - 17 p.
- Published in : Comput. Softw. Big Sci. 5 (2021) 11
Fulltext: 2003.11409 - PDF; document - PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; Fulltext from publisher: PDF;
Theory, phenomenology, and experimental avenues for dark showers: a Snowmass 2021 report
/ Albouy, Guillaume (LPSC, Grenoble) ; Barron, Jared (Toronto U.) ; Beauchesne, Hugues (NCTS, Taipei) ; Bernreuther, Elias (Fermilab) ; Bona, Marcella (Queen Mary, U. of London) ; Cazzaniga, Cesare (Zurich, ETH) ; Cesarotti, Cari (Harvard U.) ; Cohen, Timothy (Oregon U.) ; de Cosa, Annapaola (Zurich, ETH) ; Curtin, David (Toronto U.) et al.
In this work, we consider the case of a strongly coupled dark/hidden sector, which extends the Standard Model (SM) by adding an additional non-Abelian gauge group. These extensions generally contain matter fields, much like the SM quarks, and gauge fields similar to the SM gluons. [...]
arXiv:2203.09503; FERMILAB-PUB-22-303-PPD-SCD-T.-
2022-12-14 - 106 p.
- Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 82 (2022) 1132
Fulltext: jt - PDF; 2203.09503 - PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; External links: Fermilab Library Server; eConf
In : 2021 Snowmass Summer Study, Seattle, WA, United States, 11 - 20 July 2021, pp.1132
Electron-beam energy reconstruction for neutrino oscillation measurements
/ CLAS Collaboration
Neutrinos exist in one of three types or ‘flavours’—electron, muon and tau neutrinos—and oscillate from one flavour to another when propagating through space. This phenomena is one of the few that cannot be described using the standard model of particle physics (reviewed in ref. 1), and so its experimental study can provide new insight into the nature of our Universe (reviewed in ref. 2). [...]
2021 - 20 p.
- Published in : Nature 599 (2021) 565-570
Generalized Fragmentation Functions for Fractal Jet Observables
/ Elder, Benjamin T. (MIT, Cambridge, CTP) ; Procura, Massimiliano (CERN) ; Thaler, Jesse (MIT, Cambridge, CTP) ; Waalewijn, Wouter J. (Amsterdam U. ; NIKHEF, Amsterdam) ; Zhou, Kevin (MIT, Cambridge, CTP)
We introduce a broad class of fractal jet observables that recursively probe the collective properties of hadrons produced in jet fragmentation. To describe these collinear-unsafe observables, we generalize the formalism of fragmentation functions, which are important objects in QCD for calculating cross sections involving identified final-state hadrons. [...]
arXiv:1704.05456; MIT-CTP-4887; NIKHEF-2017-002; CERN-TH-2017-064.-
2017-06-15 - 54 p.
- Published in : JHEP 06 (2017) 085
Article from SCOAP3: scoap3-fulltext - PDF; scoap - PDF; Fulltext: PDF;
Serendipity in dark photon searches
/ Ilten, Philip (Birmingham U.) ; Soreq, Yotam (MIT, Cambridge, CTP) ; Williams, Mike (MIT, LNS) ; Xue, Wei (CERN)
Searches for dark photons provide serendipitous discovery potential for other types of vector particles. We develop a framework for recasting dark photon searches to obtain constraints on more general theories, which includes a data-driven method for determining hadronic decay rates. [...]
arXiv:1801.04847; MIT-CTP/4976; CERN-TH-2017-282; MIT-CTP-4976.-
2018-06-01 - 31 p.
- Published in : JHEP 06 (2018) 004
Article from SCOAP3: scoap3-fulltext - PDF; scoap - PDF; Fulltext: PDF;
Resummation of Boson-Jet Correlation at Hadron Colliders
/ Chien, Yang-Ting (MIT, Cambridge, CTP) ; Shao, Ding Yu (CERN) ; Wu, Bin (CERN)
We perform a precise calculation of the transverse momentum ($\vec{q}_T$) distribution of the boson+jet system in boson production events. The boson can be either a photon, $W$, $Z$ or Higgs boson with mass $m_V$, and $\vec{q}_T$ is the sum of the transverse momenta of the boson and the leading jet with magnitude $q_T=|\vec q_T|$. [...]
arXiv:1905.01335; CERN-TH-2019-059; MIT-CTP 5118.-
2019-11-06 - 35 p.
- Published in : JHEP 1911 (2019) 025
Article from SCOAP3: scoap3-fulltext - PDF; scoap - PDF; Fulltext: PDF;