LHC bounds on colored scalars
/ Miralles, Víctor (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Pich, Antonio (Valencia U., IFIC)
We analyze the constraints on coloured scalar bosons imposed by the current LHC data at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV. Specifically, we consider an additional electroweak doublet of colour-octet scalars, satisfying the principle of Minimal Flavour Violation in order to fulfill the stringent experimental limits on flavour-changing neutral currents. [...]
arXiv:1910.07947; IFIC/19-43.-
2019-12-25 - 11 p.
- Published in : Phys. Rev. D 100 (2019) 115042
Article from SCOAP3: PDF; Fulltext: PDF;
$\texttt{HEPfit}$: a Code for the Combination of Indirect and Direct Constraints on High Energy Physics Models
/ De Blas, J. (Padua U. ; INFN, Padua) ; Chowdhury, D. (Ecole Polytechnique, CPHT ; Orsay, LPT) ; Ciuchini, M. (INFN, Rome) ; Coutinho, A.M. (PSI, Villigen) ; Eberhardt, O. (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Fedele, M. (Barcelona U.) ; Franco, E. (INFN, Rome) ; Grilli Di Cortona, G. (Warsaw U.) ; Miralles, V. (Valencia U.) ; Mishima, S. (KEK, Tsukuba) et al.
$\texttt{HEPfit}$ is a flexible open-source tool which, given the Standard Model or any of its extensions, allows to $\textit{i)}$ fit the model parameters to a given set of experimental observables; $\textit{ii)}$ obtain predictions for observables. $\texttt{HEPfit}$ can be used either in Monte Carlo mode, to perform a Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo analysis of a given model, or as a library, to obtain predictions of observables for a given point in the parameter space of the model, allowing $\texttt{HEPfit}$ to be used in any statistical framework. [...]
arXiv:1910.14012; CERN-TH-2019-178; CPHT-RR060.102019; DESY-19-184; DESY 19-184; FTUV/19-1031; KEK-TH-2163; LPT-Orsay-19-36; PSI-PR-19-22; UCI-TR-2019-26; IFIC/19-44.-
2020-05-21 - 31 p.
- Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 80 (2020) 456
Article from SCOAP3: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF;
EFT at FASER$\nu$
/ Falkowski, Adam (IJCLab, Orsay) ; González-Alonso, Martín (Valencia U.) ; Kopp, Joachim (CERN ; U. Mainz, PRISMA) ; Soreq, Yotam (CERN ; Technion) ; Tabrizi, Zahra (Virginia Tech.)
We investigate the sensitivity of the FASER$\nu$ detector to new physics in the form of non-standard neutrino interactions. FASER$\nu$, which has recently been installed 480 m downstream of the ATLAS interaction point, will for the first time study interactions of multi-TeV neutrinos from a controlled source. [...]
2021-10-12 - 44 p.
- Published in : JHEP 2110 (2021) 086
Fulltext: 2105.12136 - PDF; document - PDF;
$\beta$-decay studies far from stability with the total absorption technique : the case of $^{76}$Sr
/ Rubio, B. (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Nácher, E. (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Algora, A. (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Borge, M.J.G. (Madrid, Inst. Estructura Materia) ; Caballero, L. (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Cano-Ott, D. (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Courtin, S. (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; Dessagne, Ph. (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; Escrig, D. (Madrid, Inst. Estructura Materia) ; Fraile, L.M. (CERN) et al.
- Published in : Nucl. Phys. A 752 (2005) 251c-254c
In : 22nd International Nuclear Physics Conference, Göteborg, Sweden, 27 Jun - 2 Jul 2004, pp.251c-254c