CERN Accelerating science

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First measurement of the Bs meson mass / ALEPH Collaboration
CERN-PPE-93-97.- Geneva : CERN, 1993 - 17 p. ALEPH Papers - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 311 (1993) 425-436 Fulltext: PDF; - CERN library copies
Measurement of the bτ¯ντX branching ratio / ALEPH Collaboration
CERN-PPE-92-184.- Geneva : CERN, 1993 - 21 p. ALEPH Papers - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 298 (1993) 479-491 Fulltext: PDF; - CERN library copies
Measurements of mean lifetime and branching fractions of b hadrons decaying to J/ψ / ALEPH Collaboration
CERN-PPE-92-142; FSU-SCRI-93-71.- Geneva : CERN, 1992 - 21 p. ALEPH Papers - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 295 (1992) 396-408 Fulltext: PDF; - CERN library copies
Measurement of B¯B mixing at the Z using a jet-charge method / ALEPH Collaboration
CERN-PPE-92-048.- Geneva : CERN, 1992 - 24 p. ALEPH Papers - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 284 (1992) 177-190 Fulltext: PDF; - CERN library copies
Evidence for b baryons in Z decays / ALEPH Collaboration
CERN-PPE-91-229.- Geneva : CERN, 1992 - 14 p. ALEPH Papers - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 278 (1992) 209-216 Fulltext: PDF; - CERN library copies
Updated measurement of the average b hadron lifetime / ALEPH Collaboration
CERN-PPE-92-133.- Geneva : CERN, 1992 - 20 p. ALEPH Papers - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 295 (1992) 174-186 Fulltext: PDF; - CERN library copies
A measurement of the b baryon lifetime / ALEPH Collaboration
CERN-PPE-92-138.- Geneva : CERN, 1993 - 15 p. ALEPH Papers - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 297 (1993) 449-458 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 8th Meeting of the Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physical Society, v.1-2, Albuquerque, NM, USA, 2 - 6 Aug 1994, pp.759-763 - CERN library copies
Observation of the semileptonic decays of Bs and Λb hadrons at LEP / ALEPH Collaboration
CERN-PPE-92-073.- Geneva : CERN, 1992 - 21 p. ALEPH Papers - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 294 (1992) 145-156 Fulltext: PDF; - CERN library copies
A precise measurement of ΓZb¯b/ΓZhadrons / ALEPH Collaboration
CERN-PPE-93-108; FSU-SCRI-93-124.- Geneva : CERN, 1993 - 18 p. ALEPH Papers - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 313 (1993) 535-548 Fulltext: PS.GZ; - CERN library copies
Search for the standard model Higgs boson / ALEPH Collaboration
CERN-PPE-93-110; FSU-SCRI-93-120.- Geneva : CERN, 1993 - 21 p. ALEPH Papers - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 313 (1993) 299-311 Fulltext: PDF; - CERN library copies

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