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Inclusive J/ψ production at forward and backward rapidity in p-Pb collisions at sNN = 8.16 TeV / ALICE Collaboration
Inclusive J/ψ production is studied in p-Pb interactions at a centre-of-mass energy per nucleon-nucleon collision sNN=8.16 TeV, using the ALICE detector at the CERN LHC. The J/ψ meson is reconstructed, via its decay to a muon pair, in the centre-of-mass rapidity intervals 2.03<ycms<3.53 and 4.46<ycms<2.96, where positive and negative ycms refer to the p-going and Pb-going direction, respectively. [...]
arXiv:1805.04381; CERN-EP-2018-101.- Geneva : CERN, 2018-07-25 - 24 p. - Published in : JHEP 07 (2018) 160 Article from SCOAP3: PDF; Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: PDF;
Dielectron production in proton-proton and proton-lead collisions at sNN = 5.02 TeV / ALICE Collaboration
The first measurements of dielectron production at midrapidity (|ηc|<0.8) in proton-proton and proton-lead collisions at sNN = 5.02 TeV at the LHC are presented. The dielectron cross section is measured with the ALICE detector as a function of the invariant mass mT,ee and the pair transverse momentum pT,ee in the ranges mT,ee < 3.5 GeV/c2 and mT,ee < 8.0 GeV/c2, in both collision systems. [...]
arXiv:2005.11995; CERN-EP-2020-081.- Geneva : CERN, 2020-11-25 - 21 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 102 (2020) 055204 Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: PDF; Fulltext from publisher: PDF;
Pion-kaon femtoscopy and the lifetime of the hadronic phase in PbPb collisions at sNN = 2.76 TeV / ALICE Collaboration
n this paper, the first femtoscopic analysis of pion--kaon correlations at the LHC is reported. The analysis was performed on the Pb--Pb collision data at sNN=2.76 TeV recorded with the ALICE detector. [...]
arXiv:2007.08315; CERN-EP-2020-126.- 2021-02-10 - 13 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 813 (2021) 136030 Article from SCOAP3: PDF; Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: PDF;
Centrality dependence of J/ψ and ψ(2S) production and nuclear modification in p-Pb collisions at sNN=8.16 TeV / ALICE Collaboration
The inclusive production of the J/ψ and ψ(2S) charmonium states is studied as a function of centrality in p-Pb collisions at a centre-of-mass energy per nucleon pair sNN=8.16 TeV at the LHC. The measurement is performed in the dimuon decay channel with the ALICE apparatus in the centre-of-mass rapidity intervals 4.46<ycms<2.96 (Pb-going direction) and 2.03<ycms<3.53 (p-going direction), down to zero transverse momentum (pT). [...]
arXiv:2008.04806; CERN-EP-2020-133.- Geneva : CERN, 2021-02-01 - 36 p. - Published in : JHEP 2102 (2021) 002 Article from SCOAP3: PDF; Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: PDF;
Production of ω mesons in pp collisions at s=7TeV / ALICE Collaboration
The invariant differential cross section of inclusive ω(782) meson production at midrapidity (|y|<0.5) in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV was measured with the ALICE detector at the LHC over a transverse momentum range of 2 < pT < GeV/c. The ω meson was reconstructed via its ωπ+ππ0 decay channel. [...]
arXiv:2007.02208; CERN-EP-2020-122.- Geneva : CERN, 2020 - 16 p. - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 80 (2020) 1130 Article from SCOAP3: PDF; Fulltext: 2007.02208 - PDF; CERN-EP-DRAFT-ALICE-2020-023 - draft - PDF;
J/ψ elliptic and triangular flow in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN = 5.02 TeV / ALICE Collaboration
The inclusive J/ψ elliptic (v2) and triangular (v3) flow coefficients are measured at forward rapidity (2.5 < y < 4) and the v2 at midrapidity (|y| < 0.9) in PbPb collisions at sNN = 5.02 TeV using the ALICE detector at the LHC. The entire Pb-Pb data sample collected during Run 2 is employed, amounting to integrated luminosities of about 750 μb1 at forward rapidity and 93 μb1 at midrapidity. [...]
arXiv:2005.14518; CERN-EP-2020-094.- Geneva : CERN, 2020-10-22 - 27 p. - Published in : JHEP 2010 (2020) 141 Article from SCOAP3: PDF; Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: PDF;
Z-boson production in p-Pb collisions at sNN=8.16 TeV and Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV / ALICE Collaboration
Measurement of Z-boson production in p-Pb collisions at sNN=8.16 TeV and Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV is reported. It is performed in the dimuon decay channel, through the detection of muons with pseudorapidity 4<ημ<2.5 and transverse momentum pμT>20 GeV/c in the laboratory frame. [...]
arXiv:2005.11126; CERN-EP-2020-090.- Geneva : CERN, 2020-09-10 - 22 p. - Published in : JHEP 2009 (2020) 076 Article from SCOAP3: PDF; Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: PDF;
Multiplicity dependence of J/ψ production at midrapidity in pp collisions at s = 13 TeV / ALICE Collaboration
Measurements of the inclusive J/ψ yield as a function of charged-particle pseudorapidity density \dndeta in pp collisions at s = 13 TeV with ALICE at the LHC are reported. The J/ψ meson yield is measured at midrapidity (|y|<0.9) in the dielectron channel, for events selected based on the charged-particle multiplicity at midrapidity (|η|<1) and at forward rapidity (3.7<η<1.7 and 2.8<η<5.1); both observables are normalized to their corresponding averages in minimum bias events. [...]
arXiv:2005.11123; CERN-EP-2020-088.- Geneva : CERN, 2020-09-03 - 14 p. - Published in : 10.1016/j.physletb.2020.135758 Article from SCOAP3: PDF; Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: PDF;
Elliptic and triangular flow of (anti)deuterons in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN= 5.02 TeV / ALICE Collaboration
The measurements of the (anti)deuterons elliptic flow (v2) and the first measurements of triangular flow (v3) in Pb-Pb collisions at a center-of-mass energy per nucleon-nucleon collisions sNN = 5.02 TeV are presented. A mass ordering at low transverse momentum (pT) is observed when comparing these measurements with those of other identified hadrons, as expected from relativistic hydrodynamics. [...]
arXiv:2005.14639; CERN-EP-2020-099.- Geneva : CERN, 2020-11-18 - 19 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 102 (2020) 055203 Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: PDF; Fulltext from publisher: PDF;
First measurement of quarkonium polarization in nuclear collisions at the LHC / ALICE Collaboration
The polarization of inclusive J/ψ and Υ(1S) produced in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV at the LHC is measured with the ALICE detector. The study is carried out by reconstructing the quarkonium through its decay to muon pairs in the rapidity region 2.5<y<4 and measuring the polar and azimuthal angular distributions of the muons. [...]
arXiv:2005.11128; CERN-EP-2020-092.- Geneva : CERN, 2021-04-10 - 21 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 815 (2021) 136146 Article from SCOAP3: PDF; Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: PDF;

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