CERN Accelerating science

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Observation of large transverse momentum phenomena at the CERN ISR / Blumenfeld, B ; Büsser, F W ; Camilleri, L L ; Cool, R L ; Di Lella, L ; Gladding, G ; Lederman, Leon Max ; Litt, L ; Placci, A ; Pope, B G et al.
In : International Seminar on Deep Inelastic and Many-body Processes at High Energies, Dubna, Soviet Union, 7-13 Jun 1973, pp.148-163
A search for large transverse momentum electrons at the CERN ISR / Büsser, F W ; Blumenfeld, B ; Camilleri, L L ; Cool, R L ; Di Lella, L ; Gladding, G E ; Lederman, Leon Max ; Litt, L ; Placci, Alfredo ; Pope, G et al.
Geneva : CERN, 1974 - 13 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 48 (1974) 371-376
A search for electron pairs at the CERN ISR / Büsser, F W ; Blumenfeld, B ; Camilleri, L L ; Cool, R L ; Di Lella, L ; Gladding, G E ; Lederman, Leon Max ; Litt, L ; Placci, Alfredo ; Pope, B G et al.
Geneva : CERN, 1974 - 7 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 48 (1974) 377-379
Observation of $\pi^0$ mesons with large transverse momentum in high-energy proton-proton collisions / Büsser, F W ; Camilleri, L L ; Di Lella, L ; Gladding, G E ; Placci, Alfredo ; Pope, B G ; Smith, A M ; Yoh, J K ; Zavattini, Emilio ; Blumenfeld, B et al.
1973 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 46 (1973) 471-476
Results on large transverse momentum phenomena / Büsser, F W ; Blumenfeld, B ; Camilleri, L L ; Cool, R L ; Di Lella, L ; Gladding, G ; Lederman, Leon Max ; Litt, L ; Placci, A ; Pope, B G et al.
Preliminary results of an experiment on large transverse momentum phenomena performed at the CERN-ISR at centre-of-mass energies of 52.7 and 44.8 GeV are presented. The topics studied were the inclusive reaction p+p to pi /sup 0/+'anything', where the pi /sup 0/ was emitted around 90 degrees in the centre- of-mass system, ( pi /sup 0/ pi /sup 0/) correlations, and the charged multiplicity associated with large transverse momentum pi /sup 0/'s. [...]
1973 - Published in : AIP Conf. Proc.: 12 (1973) , pp. 158-68
In : International Conference on New Results from Experiments on High-energy Collisions, Nashville, TN, USA, 26 - 28 Mar 1973, pp.158-68
A lead-glass Cerenkov detector for electrons and photons / Beale, J S ; Blumenfeld, B ; Büsser, F W ; Camilleri, L L ; Cool, R L ; Di Lella, L ; Gladding, G E ; Lederman, Leon Max ; Litt, L ; Placci, Alfredo et al.
An apparatus for the detection of high-energy electrons and photons is described. Lead-glass Cherenkov counters measure the energies, and charged particle tracks are reconstructed using an array of wire spark chambers. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 1974 - 21 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods 117 (1974) 501-508
In : 5th International Conference on Instrumentation for High-energy Physics, Frascati, Italy, 8 - 12 May 1973, pp.415-421
Search for massive dileptons . - Addendum / Blumenfeld, B ; Lederman, Leon Max ; Segler, S ; Cool, R L ; Di Lella, L ; Placci, E ; Zavattini, E
- 1970. - 12 p.
Memorandum : Request for PS time to calibrate the apparatus for e$^{+}$ e$^{-}$ detection at the ISR / CERN-Columbia-Rockefeller Collaboration
- 1970. - 3 p.
Measurement of high transverse momentum charged particles / Banner, M ; Chèze, J C ; Hamel, J L ; Pansart, J P ; Stirling, A V ; Teiger, J ; Zaccone, Henri ; Büsser, F W ; Camilleri, L L ; Cool, R L et al.
- 1973. - 3 p.
Observation of $\pi^{0}$ mesons with large transverse momentum in high-energy proton-proton collisions / Büsser, F W ; Blumenfeld, B ; Camilleri, L L ; Cool, R L ; Di Lella, L ; Gladding, G ; Lederman, Leon Max ; Litt, L ; Placci, A ; Pope, B G et al.
Invariant cross-sections are presented for the inclusive reaction p+p to pi /sup 0/+anything. Measurements of large transverse momentum pi /sup 0/'s (2.5 GeV/c<p/sub t/<9 GeV/c) were made near 90 degrees at the CERN ISR at five centre-of-mass energies ( square root s=23.5, 30.6, 44.8, 52.7 and 62.4 GeV). [...]
1973 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 46 (1973) 471-6

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