CERN Accelerating science

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Design Study of Sector Magnet for the RIKEN Superconducting Ring Cyclotron (2) / Fujishima, S ; Goto, A ; Ikegami, K ; Kawaguchi, T ; Kim, J W ; Kubo, T ; Mitsumoto, T ; Okuno, H ; Tanaka, Y ; Tominaka, T et al.
1996 External links: Abstract from JACoW; Published version from JACoW
In : 5th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, 10 - 14 Jun 1996, pp.e-proc. 2305
Design of Model Sector Magnet for the RIKEN Superconducting Ring Cyclotron / Fujishima, S ; Goto, A ; Ikegami, K ; Kawaguchi, T ; Kim, J W ; Kubo, T ; Mitsumoto, T ; Okuno, H ; Tanaka, Y ; Tominaka, T et al.
1996 External links: Abstract from JACoW; Published version from JACoW
In : 5th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, 10 - 14 Jun 1996, pp.e-proc. 2279
Design Study of the Injection and Extraction Elements for the RIKEN Superconducting Ring Cyclotron / Tominaka, T ; Okuno, H ; Fujishima, S ; Mitsumoto, T ; Kubo, T ; Kawaguchi, T ; Tanaka, Y ; Kim, J W ; Ikegami, K ; Sakamoto, N et al.
1998 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 17th Particle Accelerator Conference, pp.3440
Numerical Analyses of the Injection and Extraction Trajectories for the RIKEN Superconducting Ring Cyclotron / Fujishima, S ; Okuno, H ; Tominaka, T ; Mitsumoto, T ; Kubo, T ; Kawaguchi, T ; Kim, J W ; Ikegami, K ; Sakamoto, N ; Yokouchi, S et al.
1998 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 17th Particle Accelerator Conference, pp.1066
Orbit Analysis for the RIKEN Superconducting Ring Cyclotron / Mitsumoto, T ; Goto, A ; Kawaguchi, T ; Kim, J W ; Tanaka, Y ; Kubo, T ; Okuno, H ; Tominaka, T ; Fujishima, S ; Ikegami, K et al.
1998 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 17th Particle Accelerator Conference, pp.1069
Design Study of Sector Magnet for the RIKEN Superconducting Ring Cyclotron (I) / Fujishima, S ; Goto, A ; Kawaguchi, T ; Kim, J W ; Kubo, T ; Mitsumoto, T ; Okuno, H ; Tanaka, Y ; Tominaka, T ; Yano, Y
1996 External links: Abstract from JACoW; Published version from JACoW
In : 5th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, 10 - 14 Jun 1996, pp.e-proc. 2302
Design of a Model Sector Magnet for the RIKEN Superconducting Ring Cyclotron / Kubo, T ; Kawaguchi, T ; Mitsumoto, T ; Tominaka, T ; Fujishima, S ; Kim, J W ; Tanaka, Y ; Ikegami, K ; Sakamoto, N ; Yokouchi, S et al.
1998 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 17th Particle Accelerator Conference, pp.3428
Trim Coil System for the RIKEN Superconducting Ring Cyclotron / Kim, J W ; Goto, A ; Mitsumoto, T ; Kubo, T ; Okuno, H ; Kawaguchi, T ; Tominaka, T ; Fujishima, S ; Ikegami, K ; Sakamoto, N et al.
1998 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 17th Particle Accelerator Conference, pp.3422
Design Study of the Injection System of the RIKEN Superconducting Ring Cyclotron / Fujishima, S ; Goto, A ; Ikegami, K ; Kawaguchi, T ; Kim, J W ; Kubo, T ; Mitsumoto, T ; Okuno, H ; Tanaka, Y ; Tominaka, T et al.
1996 External links: Abstract from JACoW; Published version from JACoW
In : 5th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, 10 - 14 Jun 1996, pp.e-proc. 2397
Progress on the Sector Magnets for the RIKEN SRC / Goto, A ; Okuno, H ; Ohnishi, J ; Fukunishi, N ; Mitsumoto, T ; Fujishima, S ; Tominaka, T ; Ikegami, K ; Miyazawa, Y ; Yano, Y
2001 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 16th International Conference on Cyclotrons and Applications, East Lansing, MI, USA, 13 - 17 May 2001, pp.319

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