CERN Accelerating science

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Status of the MQXFB Nb$_3$Sn quadrupoles for the HL-LHC / Izquierdo Bermudez, Susana (CERN) ; Ambrosio, Giorgio (Fermilab) ; Apollinari, Giorgio (Fermilab) ; Ballarino, Amalia (CERN) ; Barth, Christian (CERN) ; Crouvizier, Mickael Denis (CERN) ; Duarte Ramos, Delio (CERN) ; Devred, Arnaud (CERN) ; Feher, Sandor (Fermilab) ; Felice, Helene (CERN) et al.
The cold powering test of the first two prototypes of the MQXFB quadrupoles (MQXFBP1, now disassembled, and MQXFBP2), the Nb3Sn inner triplet magnets to be installed in the HL-LHC, has validated many features of the design, such as field quality and quench protection, but has found performance limitations. In fact, both magnets showed a similar phenomenology, characterized by reproducible quenches in the straight part inner layer pole turn, with absence of training and limiting the performance at 93% (MQXFBP1) and 98% (MQXFBP2) of the nominal current at 1.9 K, required for HL-LHC operation at 7 TeV. [...]
FERMILAB-PUB-22-860-TD.- 2023 - 9 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 33 (2023) 4001209 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fermilab Library Server
Towards MQXFB Series Coils / Lusa, Nicholas (CERN) ; Devred, Arnaud (CERN) ; Ferradas Troitino, José (CERN) ; Izquierdo Bermudez, Susana (CERN) ; Milanese, Attilio (CERN) ; Quassolo, Penelope Matilde (CERN) ; Straarup, Simon (CERN) ; Todesco, Ezio (CERN)
The cold powering test of the first two MQXFB prototype quadrupoles, the Nb$_3$Sn inner triplet magnets to be installed in the HL-LHC, has found performance limitations. This prompted putting on hold the coil fabrication, to review in depth the full manufacturing process, while in parallel performing destructive inspections on selected coils. [...]
2024 - 8 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 34 (2024) 4003408
Power Test of the First Two HL-LHC Insertion Quadrupole Magnets Built at CERN / Mangiarotti, F J (CERN) ; Willering, G (CERN) ; Fiscarelli, L (CERN) ; Bajko, M (CERN) ; Bottura, L (CERN) ; Desbiolles, V (CERN) ; Devred, A (CERN) ; Ferradas Troitino, J (CERN) ; Izquierdo Bermudez, S (CERN) ; Keijzer, R (CERN ; Twente U., Enschede) et al.
The High-Luminosity project (HL-LHC) of the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), requires low β* quadrupole magnets in Nb$_3$Sn technology that will be installed on each side of the ATLAS and CMS experiments. After a successful shortmodel magnet manufacture and test campaign, the project has advanced with the production, assembly, and test of full-size 7.15- m-long magnets. [...]
2022 - 5 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 32 (2022) 1-5 Fulltext: PDF;
On the mechanics of MQXFB—the low-beta quadrupole for the HL-LHC / Takala, E (CERN) ; Bianchi, L (CERN) ; Lackner, F (CERN) ; Ferracin, P (LBL, Berkeley) ; Izquierdo Bermudez, S (CERN) ; Pulikowski, D (CERN)
The High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Project target is to reach an integrated luminosity of the LHC of 3000 fb$^{−1}$, corresponding to a factor 10 increase in collisions with respect to the current accelerator. One of the main components is the superconducting quadrupole called MQXF. [...]
2021 - 20 p. - Published in : Supercond. Sci. Technol. 34 (2021) 095002 Fulltext: PDF;
Status of MQXFB quadrupole magnets for HL-LHC / Milanese, A (CERN) ; Ambrosio, G (Fermilab) ; Apollinari, G (Fermilab) ; Axensalva, J (CERN) ; Baldini, M (Fermilab) ; Ballarino, A (CERN) ; Barth, C (CERN) ; o, R Carcagn (Fermilab) ; Crouvizier, M (CERN) ; Devred, A (CERN) et al.
The MQXFB magnets are superconducting quadrupoles with nominal peak field on the conductor of 11.3 T. With their magnetic length of 7.2 m, they stand as the longest Nb3Sn accelerator magnets designed and manufactured up to now. [...]
2023 - 4 p. - Published in : JACoW IPAC 2023 (2023) WEPM060 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2023), Venice, Italy, 7 - 12 May 2023, pp.WEPM060
Mechanical Comparison of Short Models of Nb$_3$ Sn Low-$\beta$ Quadrupole for the Hi-Lumi LHC / LARP Collaboration
-MQXF is the Nb3Sn Low-β quadrupole magnet that the HL-LHC project is planning to install in the LHC interaction regions in 2026 to increase the LHC integrated luminosity. The magnet will be fabricated in two different lengths: 4.2 m for MQXFA, built in the US by the Accelerator Upgrade Project (AUP), and 7.15 m for MQXFB, fabricated by CERN. [...]
FERMILAB-PUB-21-127-TD.- 2021 - 6 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 31 (2021) 4000306 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fermilab Accepted Manuscript
In : Applied Superconductivity Conference, Online, 24 Oct - 7 Nov 2020

© 2022 CERN
HL-LHC magnets and cold masses in building 180
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Progress on high luminosity LHC Nb$_{3}$Sn magnets / Todesco, Ezio (CERN) ; Annarella, M (Brookhaven) ; Ambrosio, Giorgio (Fermilab) ; Apollinari, Giorgio (Fermilab) ; Ballarino, Amalia (CERN) ; Bajas, H (CERN) ; Bajko, Marta (CERN) ; Bordini, Bernardo (CERN) ; Bossert, R (Fermilab) ; Bottura, Luca (CERN) et al.
The HL-LHC project aims at allowing to increase the collisions in the Large Hadron Collider by a factor ten in the decade 2025 - 2035. One essential element are the superconducting magnets around the interaction region points, where large aperture magnets will be installed to allow to further reduce the beam size in the interaction point. [...]
FERMILAB-PUB-18-302-TD.- 2018 - 9 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 28 (2018) 4008809 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 13th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, ICCG, Geneva, Switzerland, 17 - 21 Sep 2017, pp.4008809
Cold Powering Performance of the First 2 m $Nb_3Sn$ DS11T Twin-Aperture Model Magnet at CERN / Willering, G P (CERN) ; Bajko, M (CERN) ; Bajas, H (CERN) ; Bordini, B (CERN) ; Bottura, L (CERN) ; Feuvrier, J (CERN) ; Fiscarelli, L (CERN) ; Guinchard, M (CERN) ; Izquierdo Bermudez, S (CERN) ; Karppinen, M (CERN) et al.
Abstract: For the upgrade of the LHC during the long shutdown 2 and for the HL-LHC upgrade during the long shutdown 3, a few 15 m 8.3 T Nb-Ti main dipole magnets are foreseen to be replaced by two 11 T $Nb_3Sn$ dipoles, 5.5 m long each. After the production and test of three single aperture models at CERN, the first 2-m-long twin-aperture model has been tested. [...]
2017 - 5 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 27 (2017) 4002505
In : Applied Superconductivity Conference, Denver, CO, USA, 4 - 9 Sep 2016, pp.4002505
The HL-LHC Low-$\beta$ Quadrupole Magnet MQXF: from Short Models to Long Prototypes / Ferracin, Paolo (CERN) ; Ambrosio, Giorgio (Fermilab) ; Anerella, Michael (Brookhaven) ; Bajas, Hugues (CERN) ; Bajko, Marta (CERN) ; Bordini, Bernardo (CERN) ; Bossert, Rodger (Fermilab) ; Bourcey, Nicolas (CERN) ; Cheng, Daniel W (LBL, Berkeley) ; Chlachidze, Guram (Fermilab) et al.
Among the components to be upgraded in LHC inter- action regions for the HiLumi-LHC projects are the inner triplet (or low-β) quadrupole magnets, denoted as Q1, Q2a, Q2b, and Q3. The new quadrupole magnets, called MQXF, are based on Nb3 Sn superconducting magnet technology and operate at a gradient of 132.6 T/m, with a conductor peak field of 11.4 T. [...]
FERMILAB-PUB-19-008-TD.- 2019 - 9 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 29 (2019) 4001309
- Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 30 (2020) 9700701 Fulltext: PDF;
In : Applied Superconductivity Conference 2018, Seattle, United States Of America, 28 Oct - 2 Nov 2018, pp.4001309

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