CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 18 записей найдено  1 - 10следующий  перейти к записи: Поиск длился 1.13 секунд. 
Data on Particles and Resonant States 1968 / Rosenfeld, Arthur Hinton (UC, Berkeley) ; Barash-Schmidt, Naomi (UC, Berkeley) ; Barbaro-Galtieri, Angela (UC, Berkeley) ; Price, Leroy R (UC, Berkeley) ; Söding, Paul (UC, Berkeley) ; Wohl, Charles G (UC, Berkeley) ; Roos, Matts (CERN) ; Willis, William J (Yale U.)
Data on the properties of leptons, mesons, and baryons are listed, referenced, averaged, and summarized in tables and wallet cards. This is an updating of the Reviews of Modern Physics article of January 1967..
1968 - Published in : Rev. Mod. Phys. 40 (1968) 77-128 External links: Online collection; Particle Data Group web site
Data on Particles and Resonant States, 1967 / Rosenfeld, Arthur Hinton ; Barbaro-Galtieri, Angela ; Barash-Schmidt, Naomi ; Podolsky, William J ; Price, LeRoy R ; Söding, Paul ; Wohl, Charles G ; Roos, Matts ; Willis, William J
This data survey is an updating (at the end of 1966) of that of October 1965 (Rosenfeld et al. Rev. [...]
1967 - Published in : Rev. Mod. Phys. 39 (1967) 1-51 External links: Online collection; Particle Data Group web site
Data on elementary particles and resonant states, Nov 1963 / Roos, Matts (NORDITA)
The elementary particle data comprise quantum numbers, mass, magnetic moment, mean life, common decay modes and branching ratios. The resonant state data comprise quantum numbers, mass, width, life time, threshold laboratory momentum for a production process, decay modes, branching ratios and Q values. [...]
1964 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. 52 (1964) 1-24 External links: Online collection; Particle Data Group web site
Cryogenics (high-energy physics applications) / Firth, M
The paper reviews some physical properties of materials at low temperatures and the general techniques which are used to produce and maintain temperatures in the liquid-hydrogen and liquid-helium region. Applications of low-temperature technology encountered in high-energy physics are described, with particular reference to refrigeration, hydrogen and polarized targets, liquid hydrogen bubble chambers, superconducting devices and condensation cryopumping. [...]
CERN, 1974 Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : Meeting on Technology arising from High-energy Physics, v.1, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 24 - 26 Apr 1974, pp.98-110 (CERN-1974-009-V-1)
Multi-particle and inclusive reaction / Likhoded, A K ; Shlyapnikov, P
Recent experimental data on inclusive particle yields in hadron-hadron interactions are analyzed from the point of view of their scale- invariant properties. It is shown that the hypothesis of limiting fragmentation does not hold over the entire range of accelerator energies, although it is consistent with the data at the highest energies, where it is satisfied to an accuracy of 3-20%. [...]
1978 - Published in : Sov. Phys. - Uspekhi 21 (1978) 1-28
Input Data, References, and Notes, 1966 Aug
After the 13th High Energy Conference (Berkeley), we intended to revise UCRL-8030 and submit it to Review of Modern Physics [...]
Berkeley, CA : Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab., 1966.

Online collection - Particle Data Group web site - Fulltext
The Particle Data Group : growth and operations - eighteen years of particle physics / Rosenfeld, Arthur Hinton
1975 - Published in : Annu. Rev. Nucl. Sci. 25 (1975) 555-598
Data for Elementary Particle Physics, 1963
Berkeley, CA : Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab., 1963.
Online collection - Particle Data Group web site
Hyperons and Heavy Mesons : Systematics and Decays, 1957 / Gell-Mann, Murray (Caltech) ; Rosenfeld, Arthur Hinton (UC, Berkeley)
We attempt, in this article, to summarize the information available, both experimental and theoretical, on the classification and decays of hyperons and heavy mesons. Our principal emphasis is on the "weak interactions" responsible for the slow decays of these particles. [...]
1957 - Published in : Annu. Rev. Nucl. Sci. 7 (1957) 407-478 External links: Online collection; Particle Data Group web site
Data for Elementary Particle Physics, 1958 : Festschrift 10th Anniversary
Elementary-particle data and certain other reference information frequently are needed by research workers in high-energy physics in a compact and readily accessible form. [...]
Berkeley, CA : Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab., 1958 (Repr. 1968). - 19 p.
Online collection - Particle Data Group web site - Fulltext - Wallet cards

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