CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Pronađeno je 332 zapisa  1 - 10slijedećikraj  idi na zapis: Pretraživanje je potrajalo 0.57 sekundi 
Investigation on metallic high vacuum gaskets in conjunction with quick-disconnects for circular and large rectangular flanges / Kuhn, H K
CERN-LabII-Tech-Note-72-004-BT ; LabII-BT-HK-EEK-E-4.
- 1972. - 16 p.
Full text
Specification for coaxial high voltage cable type RG 220-U
CERN-SPS-Spec-77-116-ABT ; SPS-ABT-GV-vh-Spec-D4-115-Rev.
- 1977. - 12 p.
Full text
Technical specifications sputter-ion pumps for the SPS vacuum system / Wahl, H
CERN-SPS-Spec-78-018-AMR ; SPS-AMR-VA-HW-EEK-D-18.
- 1978. - 11 p.
Technical requirements for a fast acting sector valve safety system
CERN-SPS-Spec-79-058-AMR ; SPS-AMR-HW-EEK-DI-58.
- 1979. - 2 p.
Technical specification all-metal ultra-high vacuum straight through valves for the SPS vacuum / Wahl, H
CERN-SPS-Spec-83-002-AMR ; SPS-AMR-HW-0032e-Spec-83-2.
- 1983. - 6 p.
Addendum technical specification SPS-AMR-RBF-EEK-D-21 for tender inquiry III-306-AC, dated 22nd December, 1977 / Wahl, H
CERN-SPS-Spec-78-021-AMR ; SPS-AMR-RBF-D-21-Add.1.
- 1978. - 5 p.
Full text
Technical specification for the supply of power units for the 400 1-s sputter-ion pumps of the 400 GeV proton synchrotron (SPS) / Wahl, H
CERN-SPS-Spec-77-021-AMR ; SPS-AMR-RBF-EEK-D-21.
- 1977. - 11 p.
Full text
Technical specification assembly and leak testing of the vacuum system of the 300 GeV proton accelerator : Invitation to tender II-33ME
CERN-LabII-Spec-73-010-ME ; CERN-LabII-ME-VA-BA-TW-9470.
- 1973. - 60 p.
Full text
Specification for the flexible metal bellows, transition pieces and flanges for the vacuun tubes for magnets in the West Experimental Area of the 300 GeV proton synchroton / Pearce, N
CERN-LabII-Spec-74-005-EA ; CERN-LabI-PS-EA-Spec-74-3 ; CERN-LabI-PS-EA-Spec-1974-3.
- 1974 - 9.
Full text
Specification for vacuum tubes for magnets in the West Experimental Area of the 300 GeV proton synchrotron / Rufer, C E
CERN-LabII-Spec-74-001-EA ; CERN-LabI-PS-EA-Spec-74-1 ; CERN-LabI-PS-EA-Spec-1974-1.
- 1974 - 10.
Full text

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