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CERN Document Server 14 notices trouvées  1 - 10suivant  aller vers la notice: La recherche a duré 0.65 secondes. 
Serial powering in four-chip prototype RD53A modules for Phase 2 upgrade of the CMS pixel detector / Perovic, Vasilije (Zurich, ETH) /CMS Tracker Group Collaboration
Serial powering is the baseline choice for the upgrade of the CMS pixel detector for the High Luminosity LHC. The first results with the four-chip prototype pixel detector modules based on the demonstrator \SI{65}{nm} CMOS technology RD53A chip are presented. [...]
CMS-CR-2020-047.- Geneva : CERN, 2020 - 5 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 978 (2020) 164436 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 12th international "Hiroshima" Symposium on the Development and Application of Semiconductor Tracking Detectors (HSTD), Hiroshima, Japan, 14 - 18 Dec 2019, pp.164436
Shunt Regulator for the Serial Powering of the ATLAS CMOS Pixel Detector Modules / Habib, A (Marseille, CPPM) ; Barbero, M (Marseille, CPPM) ; Barrillon, P (Marseille, CPPM) ; Bhat, S (Marseille, CPPM) ; Kugathasan, T (CERN) ; Pangaud, P (Marseille, CPPM) ; Pernegger, H (CERN) ; Snoeys, W (CERN)
A shunt regulator was designed to meet the specifications for the serial powering of the CMOS pixel detector modules in compatibility with the next upgrade of the ATLAS detector. Serial powering greatly increases the system's power efficiency when compared to a parallel powering scheme and allows for significant material budget savings in the power cabling. [...]
2020 - 9 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 67 (2020) 455-463
Quality Assurance of the 13-kA Superconducting Magnet Circuits Consolidation of the LHC at CERN / Principe, R (CERN) ; Gaasch, J B (CERN) ; Housiaux, O (CERN) ; Menu, S (CERN) ; Munawar, M (Islamabad, Pakistan AEC) ; Popescu, S (CERN) ; Savary, F (CERN)
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is designed to operate at a nominal energy of 14 TeV in the center of mass. Following the incident that occurred in 2008, LHC operated at intermediate energies ranging from 7 to 8 TeV to avoid any further risk of failure. [...]
2016 - 5 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 26 (2016) 4804205
In : 24th International Conference on Magnet Technology, Seoul, Korea, 18 - 23 Oct 2015, pp.4804205
Electro-thermal FEM simulations of the 13-kA LHC joints / Molnar, D (CERN) ; Bielert, E.R (CERN) ; Verweij, A.P (CERN)
The interconnections between the superconducting main dipole and main quadrupole magnets are made of soldered joints of two superconducting Nb-Ti cables embedded in a copper busbar stabilizer. The primary cause of the September 2008 incident in the LHC was a defect in an interconnection between two dipole magnets. [...]
2013 - 9 p. - Published in : Cryogenics 53 (2013) 119-127

In : CHATS on Applied Superconductivity 2011, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 12 - 14 Oct 2011, pp.119-127

© 2013-2022 CERN
LHC consolidations
Consolidations pour le LHC

The main 2013-14 LHC consolidations Available in e [...]
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6. LHC consolidations 2013-14
Reference: Poster-2013-278
Keywords:  Consolidation  Interconnections  Splices  Shunts  Electrical Quality Assurance tests  Pressure relief devices  Orbital welding
Created: 2013. -1 p
Creator(s): Marcastel, F CERN Graphic Design

The main 2013-2014 LHC consolidation

© CERN Geneva

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Wideband Precision Current Transformer for the Magnet Current of the Beam Extraction Kicker Magnet of the Large Hadron Collider / Gräwer, G (CERN) ; Vossenberg, Eugène B (CERN)
The LHC beam extraction system is composed of 15 fast kicker magnets per beam to extract the particles in one turn of the collider and to safely dispose them on external absorbers. Each magnet is powered by a separate pulse generator. [...]
LHC-Project-Report-720; CERN-LHC-Project-Report-720.- Geneva : CERN, 2004 - 5 p. Access to fulltext document: PDF;
In : Power Modulator Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA, 23 - 26 May 2004, pp.470-3 - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
Book cover The choice of radio frequency for the Daresbury storage ring / Saxon, G
DL-SRF-R-6. - Warrington : Daresbury Nucl. Phys. Lab., 1975. - 13 p.

CERN library copies
Studies of RF accelerating structures for an electron linear collider / Boiteux, J P ; Garvey, Terence ; Geschonke, Günther ; Schnell, Wolfgang ; Wilson, Ian H (CERN)
CERN-LEP-RF-87-25 ; CLIC-Note-36.
- 1987 - 16.
Computer calculation of the longitudinal impedance of cylindrically symmetric structures and its application to the SPS (SPS-86-21-MS) / Vos, L
- 1986. - 34 p.

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