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CERN Document Server 27 Datensätze gefunden  1 - 10nächsteEnde  gehen zum Datensatz: Die Suche hat 0.76 Sekunden gedauert. 
Top and b' limits at UA1 / Lammel, S /Aachen-Amsterdam(NIKHEF)-Annecy-Birmingham-Boston-CERN-Helsinki-Kiel-London(IC)-London(QMC)-Madrid(CIEMAT)-MIT-Padua- Collaboration ; Paris(CdF)-Rome-Rutherford-Saclay(CEN)-Los Angeles(UCLA)-Vienna Collaboration
In : 4ème Rencontres de Physique de la Vallée d'Aoste : Results and Perspectives in Particle Physics, La Thuile, Italy, 18 - 24 Mar 1990, pp.435-450
The search for new particles in UA2 / Singh, S L /UA2 Collaboration
In : 4ème Rencontres de Physique de la Vallée d'Aoste : Results and Perspectives in Particle Physics, La Thuile, Italy, 18 - 24 Mar 1990, pp.413-433
Searches for new particles in UA2 / Polesello, G /Berne-Cambridge-CERN-Heidelberg-Milan-Orsay(LAL)-Pavia-Perugia-Pisa-Saclay(CEN) Collaboration
1990 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 25th Rencontres de Moriond : Hadronic Session, Les Arcs, France, 11 - 17 Mar 1990, pp.97-104
The search for top in UA2 / Singh, S L /UA2 Collaboration
In : American Physical Society Division of Particles and Fields Meeting, v.1, Houston, TX, USA, 3 - 6 Jan 1990, pp.524-531
Results from LEP and the SLC / Dydak, Friedrich (CERN)
CERN-PPE-91-14; CERN-ALEPH-PUB-91-046.- Geneva : CERN, 1991 - 44 p. Miscellaneous ALEPH PUBlications Fulltext: PDF; Published version: PDF;
In : 25th International Conference on High-Energy Physics, Singapore, Singapore, 2 - 8 Aug 1990, pp.3-32 - CERN library copies
Search for top quark production at the ¯pp collider / Buskulic, Damir /UA2 Collaboration
In : 8th Topical Workshop on Proton-Antiproton Collider Physics, Castiglione della Pescaia, Italy, 1 - 5 Sep 1989, pp.23-44
Top search in isolated single muon + jet events with the UA1 experiment / Nisati, A /Rutherford-Saclay(CEN)-Los Angeles(UCLA)-Vienna Collaboration ; Aachen-Amsterdam(NIKHEF)-Annecy-Birmingham-Boston-CERN-Helsinki-Kiel-London(IC)-London(QMC)-Madrid(CIEMAT)-MIT-Padua-Paris(CdF)-Rome Collaboration
In : 8th Topical Workshop on Proton-Antiproton Collider Physics, Castiglione della Pescaia, Italy, 1 - 5 Sep 1989, pp.2-13
Status of the UA1 top search / Eggert, Karsten /Rutherford-Saclay(CEN)-Los Angeles(UCLA)-Vienna Collaboration ; Aachen-Amsterdam(NIKHEF)-Annecy-Birmingham-Boston-CERN-Helsinki-Kiel-London(IC)-London(QMC)-Madrid(CIEMAT)-MIT-Padua-Paris(CdF)-Rome Collaboration
In : 14th International Symposium on Lepton and Photon Interactions at High Energies, Stanford, CA, USA, 7 - 12 Aug 1989, pp.305-317
Search for the top quark in UA2 / DeWolf, R S /Berne-Cambridge-CERN-Heidelberg-Milan-Orsay(LAL)-Pavia-Perugia-Pisa-Saclay(CEN) Collaboration
In : International Europhysics Conference on High-Energy Physics, Madrid, Spain, 6 - 13 Sep 1989, pp.285-289
Signatures of the b' quark at e+e- colliders / Agrawal, P C ; Ellis, S D ; Hou Wei Shu
DOE-ER-40423-2002-P-90 ; PSI-PR-90-02.
- 1990. - 19 p. CERN library copies

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