CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 11 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.50 seconds. 
Commissioning of Superconducting Linac at IUAC - Initial Challenges and Solutions / Ghosh, S (Inter University Accelerator Center, New Dehli) ; Babu, S (Inter University Accelerator Center, New Dehli) ; Chacko, J (Inter University Accelerator Center, New Dehli) ; Choudhury, A (Inter University Accelerator Center, New Dehli) ; Chowdhury, G K (Inter University Accelerator Center, New Dehli) ; Datta, T S (Inter University Accelerator Center, New Dehli) ; Kanjilal, D (Inter University Accelerator Center, New Dehli) ; Kar, S (Inter University Accelerator Center, New Dehli) ; Kumar, M (Inter University Accelerator Center, New Dehli) ; Mandal, A (Inter University Accelerator Center, New Dehli) et al.
2008 - 3 p. External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 11th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Genoa, Italy, 23 - 27 Jun 2008, pp.MOPP127
Status of the Superconducting Booster Linac for the Nsc Pelletron Accelerator / Prakash, P N ; Datta, T S ; Ajith-Kumar, B P ; Antony, J ; Chacko, J ; Choudhury, A ; Chaudhari, G K ; Ghosh, S ; Kar, S ; Krishnan, S A et al.
2001 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 2nd Asian Particle Accelerator Conference, Beijing, China, 17 - 21 Sep 2001, pp.WEP005
Remarks on conformal mapping methods in particle and nuclear physics / Choudhury, A R
- 1975. - 7 p.
Diamagnetic Screening of the Magnetic Field in Accreting Neutron Stars (2002) / Konar, S ; Choudhury, A R /ATLAS TileCal Collaboration
A possible mechanism for screening of the surface magnetic field of an accreting neutron star, by the accreted material, is investigated. In particular, we investigate the nature of the evolution of the internal field configuration in the case of a) a polar cap accretion and b) a spherical accretion..
astro-ph/0202248; IUCAA-2001-39.- Pune : Pune Univ. Inter-Univ. Cent. Astron. Astrophys., 2002 - 2 p. - Published in : Bull. Astron. Soc. India 30 (2002) 697 Access to fulltext document: 0202248.fig1a - PS.GZ; 0202248.fig1b - PS.GZ; 0202248 - PDF; External link: astro-ph/0202248 PDF
On Scalable Parallel Computation of Multidimensional Data Cube / Goil, S ; Choudhury, A R
In : International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 13 - 16 Jul 1998, pp.1155-1162
Accelerated convergence technique and analyticity / Choudhury, A R
1974. - 7 p.
Symmetry breaking by a special massless scalar field / Choudhury, A L
- 1988. - 22 p.
Symmetry behavior of a higher powered selfinteracting scalar field at finite temperature / Choudhury, A L
- 1988. - 27 p.
Symmetry breaking in gravity induced superpotential / Choudhury, A L
- 1986. - 6 p.
A study of S-wave n-p scattering using a new effective range formula / Choudhury, A R
IAEA-ICTP-81-214; IC-81-214.- Trieste : Trieste Univ. Abdus Salam Int. Centre Theor. Phys., 1982 - 11 p. - Published in : Nuovo Cimento, Lett. 34 (1982) 540

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1 Choudhury, A Ghose
1 Choudhury, A K
10 Choudhury, A L
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2 Choudhury, Anindya Ghose
18 Choudhury, Arghya
2 Choudhury, Asim
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