CERN Accelerating science

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R603 status and vector meson studies (\rhô0andϕ0) with the R603 / Lockman, W ; Meyer, T ; Poster, R ; Rander, J ; Schlein, P E ; Webb, R ; Burgun, G ; Le Dû, P ; Michau, J P ; Zsembery, J
- 1974. - 6 p.
Production of multipion systems with large longitudinal momentum at the CERN intersecting storage rings / Lockman, W ; Meyer, T ; Michau, J C ; Poster, R ; Rander, J ; Schlein, P E ; Webb, R ; Zsembery, J
Inclusive cross sections are presented for 2 pi and 3 pi systems with large longitudinal x at the highest intersecting storage ring energies ( square root s=53 GeV for 2 pi ; square root s=53 and 62 GeV for 3 pi ). The ratio pi /sup +/ pi /sup -// pi /sup -/ pi /sup -/ rises sharply with increasing x similar to the ratio K/sup +//K/sup -/, as expected in a quark-model interpretation. [...]
1978 - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 41 (1978) 680-3
Measurements of total elastic and inelastic diffraction cross section and tests of factorization at the CERN ISR / Lockman, W ; Meyer, T ; Poster, R ; Rander, J ; Schlein, P E ; Webb, R ; Zsembery, J ; Michau, J
- 1976. - 16 p.
Study of ρ0production in high multiplicity pp interactions at 300 GeV/c / Sheng, A ; Davidson, V ; Firestone, A ; Nagy, F ; Peck, C ; Poster, R ; Dao, F T ; Hanft, R ; Lach, J ; Malamud, E et al.
- 1975. - 9 p.
pp interactions at 300 GeV/c - γ and neutral strange particle production / Sheng, A ; Dao, F T ; Davidson, V ; Dzierba, A ; Firestone, A ; Hanft, R ; Lach, J ; Malamud, E ; Nagy, F ; Nezrick, F A et al.
CALT68-480 ; FERMILAB-PUB-74-105-EXP.
- 1974. - 29 p.
Evidence for double diffraction in pp interactions at 300 GeV/c / Firestone, A ; Dao, F T ; Davidson, V ; Dzierba, A ; Hanft, R ; Lach, J ; Malamud, E ; Nagy, F ; Nezrick, F A ; Peck, C et al.
CALT68-476 ; FERMILAB-PUB-74-101-EXP.
- 1974. - 12 p.
Evidence for the Goldhaber effect in pp interaction at 300 GeV/c / Firestone, A ; Dao, F T ; Davidson, V ; Dzierba, A ; Hanft, R ; Lach, J ; Malamud, E ; Nagy, F ; Nezrick, F A ; Peck, C et al.
CALT68-489 ; Fermilab-Pub-75-24.
- 1975. - 17 p.
Evidence for the Goldhaber effect in pp interactions at 300 GeV/c / Firestone, A ; Dao, F T ; Davidson, V ; Dzierba, A ; Hanft, R ; Lach, J ; Malamud, E ; Nagy, F ; Nezrick, F A ; Peck, C et al.
CALT68-489 ; CALT68-489 ; FERMILAB-PUB-75-24-EXP.
- 1975. - 17 p.
Negative results of a search for alignment in high energy collisons / Glasser, R G ; Dao, F T ; Davidson, V ; Dzierba, A R ; Firestone, A ; Hanft, R ; Hyman, L G ; Lach, J ; Lam, D ; Malamud, E et al.
- 1974. - 8 p.
pp interactions at 300 GeV/c; measurement of the charged multiplicity, total and elastic cross sections / Dao, F T ; Davidson, V ; Dzierba, A R ; Firestone, A ; Hanft, R ; Lach, J ; Lam, D ; Malamud, E ; Nagy, F J ; Nezrick, F A (CERN) et al.
- 1974. - 12 p.

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