CERN Accelerating science

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Atmospheric Deposition of Trace Elements Around Ulan-Bator City Studied by Moss and Lichen Biomonitoring Technique and INAA / Ganbold, G ; Gerbish, Sh ; Gundorina, S F ; Frontasyeva, M V ; Ostrovnaya, T M ; Pavlov, S S ; Tsendeekhuu, T
For the first time the moss and lichen biomonitoring technique has been applied to air pollution in Mongolia (Ulan-Bator, the capital city). [...]
E18-2005-113 ; JINR-E18-2005-113.
- 2005. - 16 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Bulk Analysis Method of Gold Determination in Ores Using Epithermal Neutrons of Electron Accelerator Microtron MT-22 / Gerbish, Sh ; Ganchimeg, G ; Baatarkhuu, D ; Ganbold, G ; Belov, A G
Bulk analysis method of gold determination in ores by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) is described. [...]
E18-2004-96 ; JINR-E18-2004-96.
- 2004. - 6 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna

4 Gerbish, S
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