PLAN - from LS2 to RUN3-LS3 and outcomes from the first RUN3-LS3 PLAN exercise
/ Dos Santos Pedrosa, Fernando (CERN) ; Borglund, Ayla (CERN) ; Daudin, Benoit (CERN) ; Vergara Fernandez, Estrella (CERN) ; Tock, Jean-Philippe (CERN) ; Foraz, Katy (CERN) ; Bernardini, Marzia (CERN) ; Lanza Herrero, Rodrigo (CERN)
The CERN-wide coordination of the programmed stops requires a tool to centralize and collect all the activities at a macroscopic scale. It includes the activities foreseen during Long Shutdowns (LS) and Year End Technical Stops (YETS).The CERN tool named PLAN centralises all the activities foreseen by the Groups, to have a global strategic view, assessing priorities across CERN. [...]
- Published in : JACoW IPAC 2023 (2023) TUPM074
Fulltext: PDF;
In : 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2023), Venice, Italy, 7 - 12 May 2023, pp.TUPM074
AWAKE from Run 2a to Run 2b
/ Guran, Eloïse (CERN) ; Bernardini, Marzia (CERN) ; Gschwendtner, Edda (CERN) ; Muggli, Patric (Munich, Max Planck Inst.) ; Pardons, Ans (CERN) ; Sublet, Alban (CERN) ; Vergara Fernandez, Estrella (CERN)
/AWAKE Collaboration
AWAKE is the first proof-of-concept proton-driven plasma wakefield acceleration experiment. AWAKE’s first phase concluded in 2018, with controlled acceleration of electrons to energies of 2 GeV in a 10-m long plasma cell. [...]
2023 - 4 p.
- Published in : JACoW IPAC 2023 (2023) TUPA094
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In : 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2023), Venice, Italy, 7 - 12 May 2023, pp.TUPA094
Processes and Tools to Manage CERN Programmed Stops Applied to the Second Long Shutdown of the Accelerator Complex
/ Vergara Fernandez, Estrella (CERN) ; Ansel, Antoine (CERN) ; Barberan Marin, Maria (CERN) ; Bernardini, Marzia (CERN) ; Chemli, Samy (CERN) ; Coupard, Julie (CERN) ; Foraz, Katy (CERN) ; Hay, David (CERN) ; Jimenez, José (CERN) ; Mcfarlane, David (CERN) et al.
The preparation and follow-up of CERN accelerator complex programmed stops require clear processes and methodologies. The LHC and its Injectors were stopped in December 2018, to maintain, consolidate and upgrade the different equipment of the accelerator chain. [...]
2022 - 4 p.
- Published in : JACoW IPAC 2022 (2022) 2048-2051
Fulltext: PDF;
In : 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2022), Bangkok, Thailand, 12 - 17 Jun 2022, pp.2048-2051
The Second Long Shutdown of the LHC and Its Injectors: Feedback from the Accelerator Coordination and Engineering Group
/ Perrot, Anne-Laure (CERN) ; Bernardini, Marzia (CERN) ; Chemli, Samy (CERN) ; Corso, Jean-Pierre (CERN) ; Coupard, Julie (CERN) ; Dos Santos Pedrosa, Fernando (CERN) ; Etheridge, John (CERN) ; Foraz, Katy (CERN) ; Grillot, Serge (CERN) ; Jimenez, José (CERN) et al.
The operation of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN started in September 2008. Every 5 or 6 years, Long Shutdowns (LS) are programmed to execute time-intensive ordinary and extra-ordinary maintenance of the LHC and its injectors [...]
2022 - 4 p.
- Published in : JACoW IPAC 2022 (2022) 2052-2055
Fulltext: PDF;
In : 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2022), Bangkok, Thailand, 12 - 17 Jun 2022, pp.2052-2055
Programmed Stops Coordination: from Preparation to Completion
/ Vergara Fernandez, Estrella (CERN) ; Bernardini, Marzia (CERN) ; Chemli, Samy (CERN) ; Corso, Jean-Pierre (CERN) ; Coupard, Julie (CERN) ; Etheridge, John Robert (CERN) ; Grillot, Serge (CERN) ; Muttoni, Yvon (CERN) ; Nicquevert, Bertrand (CERN) ; Perrot, Anne-Laure (CERN) et al.
The exploitation of the CERN accelerator complex requires programmed stops of the operation, to execute various activities as standard maintenances, upgrades, consolidations and projects implementations [...]
2022. - 5 p.
Full text
The Inner Triplet String Facility for HL-LHC: Design and Planning
/ Bajko, Marta (CERN) ; Bertolasi, Stefano (CERN) ; Bertone, Caterina (CERN) ; Blanchard, Sebastien (CERN) ; Bozzini, Davide (CERN) ; Brüning, Oliver (CERN) ; Cruikshank, Paul (CERN) ; De Luca, Davide (CERN) ; Dos Santos, Nuno (CERN) ; Dragoni, Francesco (CERN) et al.
In the framework of the HL-LHC project, full-scale integration and operational tests of the superconducting magnet chain, from the inner triplet quadrupoles up to the first separation/recombination dipole, are planned in conditions as similar as possible to the final set-up in the LHC tunnel. The IT String includes all of the required systems for operation at nominal conditions, such as vacuum, cryogenics, warm and cold powering equipment, and protection systems. [...]
Geneva : JACoW, 2021 - 4 p.
- Published in : JACoW IPAC 2021 (2021) 3592-3595
Fulltext: PDF;
In : 12th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2021), Online, 24 - 28 May 2021, pp.3592-3595
Lessons Learned From the First Long Shutdown of the Lhc and Its Injector Chain
/ Foraz, Katy (CERN) ; Barberan Marin, Maria (CERN) ; Bernardini, Marzia (CERN) ; Coupard, Julie (CERN) ; Gilbert, Nicolas (CERN) ; Hay, David (CERN) ; Mataguez, Simon (CERN) ; Mcfarlane, David (CERN) ; Vergara Fernandez, Estrella (CERN)
The First Long Shutdown (LS1) of the LHC and its Injector chain, which started in February 2013, was completed by the first quarter 2015. A huge number of activities have been performed; this paper reviews the process of the coordination of LS1 from the preparatory phase to the testing phase. [...]
2015 - 3 p.
- Published in : (2015) , pp. TUPTY023
Published version from JACoW: PDF; External link: JACOW
In : 6th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Richmond, VA, USA, 3 - 8 May 2015, pp.TUPTY023
Status of the HIE-ISOLDE Linac
/ Venturini Delsolaro, Walter (CERN) ; Alberty, Luis (CERN) ; Arnaudon, Luca (CERN) ; Artoos, Kurt (CERN) ; Bauche, Jeremie (CERN) ; Bernardes, Ana (CERN) ; Bousquet, Jean-Alexandre (CERN) ; Bravin, Enrico (CERN) ; Calatroni, Sergio (CERN) ; Cantero, Esteban (CERN) et al.
The HIE-ISOLDE project aims at increasing the energy of the radioactive beams (RIB) of REX-ISOLDE from the present 3 MeV/u up to 10 MeV/u for A/q up to 4.5. This will be accomplished by means of a new superconducting linac, based on independently phased quarter wave resonators using the Nb sputtering on copper technology, and working at 101.28 MHz [...]
2014 - 6 p.
- Published in : (2014) , pp. THIOA03
Fulltext: thioa03_2 - PDF; thioa03 - PDF; External link: JACoW server
In : 27th Linear Accelerator Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, 31 Aug - 5 Sep 2014, pp.THIOA03