CERN Accelerating science

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Summary of experimental studies at CERN on a positron source using crystal effects / Artru, X ; Baier, V ; Beloborodov, K I ; Bogdanov, A ; Bukin, A ; Burdin, S ; Chehab, R ; Chevallier, M ; Cizeron, R ; Dauvergne, D et al.
New kind of positron sources for future linear colliders, where the converter is a tungsten crystal oriented on the <111> axis, has been studied at CERN in the WA103 experiment. In such sources the photons which create the $e^+ e^-$ pairs result from channeling radiation and coherent bremsstrahlung. [...]
physics/0506016.- 2005 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., B 240 (2005) 762-776 Access to fulltext document: PDF; External link: physics/0506016 PDF
Experiment with a crystal-assisted positron source using 6 and 10 GeV electrons / Artru, X ; Baier, V ; Beloborodov, K I ; Bochek, G L ; Bogdanov, A ; Bozhenok, A ; Bukin, A ; Burdin, S ; Chehab, R ; Chevallier, M et al.
Axially oriented crystals, penetrated by high-energy electrons, are powerful photon sources and, hence, intense positron sources. Such kinds of positron sources have been studied experimentally at CERN, with the tertiary electron beam of the SPS having an energy of 6 and 10 GeV. [...]
2003 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., B 201 (2003) 243-52
Experimental determination of the positron source emittance for a crystal target / Chehab, R ; Burdin, S ; Cizeron, R ; Sylvia, C ; Baier, V ; Beloborodov, K I ; Bukin, A ; Dimova, T V ; Drozdetsky, A A ; Druzhinin, V P et al.
LAL-RT-2002-09; LYCEN-2002-49.- Orsay : Paris 11. Lab. Accél. Linéaire, 2002 - 3 p. Access to fulltext document: PS.GZ;
In : 21st International Linear Accelerator Conference, Gyeongju, Korea, 19 - 23 Aug 2002, pp.e-proc. MO452
Channeling Of Fast Pb$^{56+}$ Ions In A Thin Silicon Crystal : Simultaneous Measurements Of Energy Loss Charge Exchange And Secondary Electron Emission / Cue, J P ; Dauvergne, D ; Fallavier, M ; Kirsch, R ; Poizat, J C ; Rémillieux, Joseph ; Thomas, J P
IN2P3 Publications database
Proton Channeling In Carbon Nanotubes / Cue, J P ; Dauvergne, D ; Fallavier, M ; Kirsch, R ; Poizat, J C ; Rémillieux, Joseph ; Thomas, J P
IN2P3 Publications database
Medical Applications Of Heavy Ions Beams / Rémillieux, Joseph
IN2P3 Publications database
Projet Rhone-alpes D'hadrontherapie Par Ions Legers (partie Scientifique) / Rémillieux, Joseph
IN2P3 Publications database
Experimental study of a crystal positron source / Chehab, R ; Cizeron, R ; Sylvia, C ; Baier, V ; Beloborodov, K I ; Bukin, A ; Burdin, S V ; Dimova, T V ; Drozdetsky, A A ; Druzhinin, V P et al.
Tungsten crystals oriented on their <111> axis, were submitted to 6 and 10 GeV electron beams on the SPS-CERN transfer lines. The crystals, 4 and 8 mm thick, used alone or associated to 4 mm thick amorphous disk, were studied as positron sources. [...]
2002 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 525 (2002) 41-8
X-ray Emission From Fast Channeled Heavy Ions / Dauvergne, D ; Chevallier, M ; Cohen, C ; Cue, N ; Dural, J ; Kirsch, R ; L'Hoir, A ; Lelievre, D ; Mokler, P H ; Poizat, J C et al.
- 1999.
IN2P3 Publications database
Statistique de l'emission electronique secondaire de surfaces de carbone amorphe sous l'impact d'ions H$^{+}_{2}$ et H$^{+}_{3}$ rapides (0.25-1.0 MeV/u) / Vidovic, Z ; Billebaud, A ; Fallavier, M ; Kirsch, R ; Poizat, J C ; Rémillieux, Joseph
IN2P3 Publications database

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