CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 找到 51 笔记录  1 - 10下一个最後  跳到记录: 检索需时 0.62 秒. 
Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) and Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) : Volume 1: The LBNF and DUNE Projects / DUNE Collaboration
This document presents the Conceptual Design Report (CDR) put forward by an international neutrino community to pursue the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment at the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF/DUNE), a groundbreaking science experiment for long-baseline neutrino oscillation studies and for neutrino astrophysics and nucleon decay searches. [...]
arXiv:1601.05471 ; FERMILAB-DESIGN-2016-01.
- 2016 - 63.
Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available) - Full text - Fulltext - Fulltext
Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) and Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) : Volume 4 The DUNE Detectors at LBNF / DUNE Collaboration
A description of the proposed detector(s) for DUNE at LBNF
arXiv:1601.02984 ; FERMILAB-DESIGN-2016-04.
- 2016 - 191.
Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available) - Full text - Fulltext - Fulltext
Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) and Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) : 2: The Physics Program for DUNE at LBNF / DUNE Collaboration
The Physics Program for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) at the Fermilab Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) is described..
arXiv:1512.06148 ; FERMILAB-DESIGN-2016-02.
- 2016 - 127.
Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available) - Full text - Fulltext - Fulltext
First results from the PHOBOS experiment at RHIC / PHOBOS Collaboration
During the first run of RHIC, the PHOBOS experiment recorded Au+Au collisions at square root (S/sub NN/) of 56 GeV and 130 GeV. These data have allowed us-to study. [...]
2002 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. A 698 (2002) 54C-63C
In : 15th International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Stony Brook, NY, USA, 15 - 20 Jan 2001, pp.54C-63C
Overview of results from PHOBOS experiment at RHIC / Olszewski, A ; Back, B B ; Baker, M D ; Barton, D S ; Betts, R R ; Bindel, R ; Budzanowski, A ; Busza, W ; Carroll, A ; Corbo, J et al.
An overview of results for interactions of Au+Au ions at centre-of- mass energies of square root s/sub NN/=56, 130 and 200 GeV obtained by the PHOBOS collaboration at RHIC is given. Measurements of the primary charged particle density near mid-rapidity indicate that particle production grows logarithmically with collision energy and faster than linearly with the number of interacting nucleons. [...]
2002 - Published in : J. Phys. G 28 (2002) 1801-7
Measurement of the double inclusive b anti-b quark fragmentation function in Z0 decays and first measurement of angle dependent B - anti-B energy correlations / SLD Collaboration
- 2002. - 12 p.
Fulltext from SLAC
Fragmentation and hadronization in e+ e- collisions / SLD Collaboration
- 2001. - 11 p.
Fulltext from SLAC
Production of charged pi+-, K+- and p / anti-p in hadronic Z0 decays / SLD Collaboration
- 2001. - 22 p.
Fulltext from SLAC
An Improved study of the structure of e+ e- ---> b anti-b g events and limits on the anomalous chromomagnetic coupling of the b quark / SLD Collaboration
- 2001. - 22 p.
Fulltext from SLAC
A Study of correlations between identified charged hadrons in hadronic Z0 decays / Abe, K ; Abe, K ; Abe, T ; Adam, I ; Akimoto, H ; Aston, D ; Baird, K G ; Baltay, C ; Band, H R ; Barklow, Timothy L et al.
- 2001. - 26 p.
Fulltext from SLAC

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