CERN Accelerating science

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The beam trajectory and the shielding of the muon storage ring experiment / Madsen, J H B
CERN-MPS-EP-Int-64-7.- Geneva : CERN, 1964 - 9 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Secondary beams from a long D-type straight section / Madsen, J H B
CERN-MPS-EP-Int-64-1.- Geneva : CERN, 1964 - 4 p. Fulltext: PDF;
C.P.S. straight section rearrangement / Hereward, H G ; Munday, G L ; Madsen, J H B ; Reich, K H
CERN-MPS-EP-64-3-A.- Geneva : CERN, 1964 - 21 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Ejection efficiencies measured in May 1968 / Battisti, S ; Dekkers, D ; Henny, L ; Hoffmann, L ; Madsen, J H B ; Steinbach, Ch
CERN-MPS-MU-Note-EP-68-12.- Geneva : CERN, 1968 - 7 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Some remarks on the transport of an ejected P.S. proton beam over a long distance / Madsen, J H B
CERN-MPS-Int-MU-EP-64-8.- Geneva : CERN, 1964 - 9 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Focusing and magnification ratio adjustments with quadrupole triplets and doublets : Programme for the IBM 7090 / Madsen, J H B
CERN-MPS-EP-64-5.- Geneva : CERN, 1964 - 12 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Memorandum - Vacuum system for ejection from SS 58 and SS 62 / Madsen, J H B
Geneva : CERN, 1964 - 4 p. Fulltext: PDF;
A condensed report of a talk on the: "AGS improvement programme" / Green, G K ; Madsen, J H B
Geneva : CERN, 1964 - 3 p. Fulltext: PDF;
The CPS improvement programme : List of headings / Madsen, J H B
CERN-MPS-EP-1964.- Geneva : CERN, 1964 - 7 p. Fulltext: PDF;
CLIC/PS : Next meeting : Friday 4 November 1994 9.00 hrs in the large PS Conference Room / Madsen, J H B
CERN-PS-LP-Note-94-46-Min.- Geneva : CERN, 1994 - 2 p. Fulltext: PDF;

CERN Document Server : 找到 216 笔记录   1 - 10下一个最後  跳到记录:
232 Madsen, J
183 Madsen, J H B
1 Madsen, J M
2 Madsen, J M B
17 Madsen, J O
5 Madsen, J.
2 Madsen, J. H. B
1 Madsen, J. M. B.
37 Madsen, J.H.B
1 Madsen, J.M.B.
55 Madsen, JHB
1 Madsen, Jacob
1 Madsen, James
2 Madsen, Jan
2 Madsen, Jan H B
4 Madsen, Jens
1 Madsen, Jens Ole
1 Madsen, Jeppe
6 Madsen, Jes
2 Madsen, Jim
1 Madsen, John
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