The ASACUSA Micromegas Tracker: A cylindrical, bulk Micromegas detector for antimatter research
/ Radics, B (RIKEN (main)) ; Nagata, Y (RIKEN (main)) ; Yamazaki, Y (RIKEN (main)) ; Ishikawa, S (Tokyo, U. Earth Sci. Astron.) ; Kuroda, N (Tokyo, U. Earth Sci. Astron.) ; Matsuda, Y (Tokyo, U. Earth Sci. Astron.) ; Anfreville, M (IRFU, Saclay) ; Aune, S (IRFU, Saclay) ; Boyer, M (IRFU, Saclay) ; Chateau, F (IRFU, Saclay) et al.
The ASACUSA Micromegas Tracker (AMT; ASACUSA: Atomic Spectroscopy and Collisions Using Slow Antiprotons) was designed to be able to reconstruct antiproton-nucleon annihilation vertices in three dimensions. The goal of this device is to study antihydrogen formation processes in the ASACUSA cusp trap, which was designed to synthesise a spin-polarised antihydrogen beam for precise tests of Charge, Parity, and Time (CPT) symmetry invariance. [...]
AIP, 2015 - 9 p.
- Published in : Rev. Sci. Instrum. 86 (2015) 083304
Antihydrogen synthesis in a double-CUSP trap towards test of the CPT-symmetry
/ Radics, B (Nishina Ctr., RIKEN ; Zurich, ETH) ; Ishikawa, S (Tokyo U., Komaba) ; Kuroda, N (Tokyo U., Komaba) ; Murtagh, D J (Nishina Ctr., RIKEN) ; Nagata, Y (Nishina Ctr., RIKEN) ; Tajima, M (Tokyo U., Komaba) ; Gorp, S (Nishina Ctr., RIKEN) ; Abo, Y (ADSM, Hiroshima) ; Dupre, P (Nishina Ctr., RIKEN) ; Higashi, Y (Tokyo U., Komaba) et al.
The aim of the ASACUSA-CUSP experiment at CERN is to produce a cold, polarised antihydrogen beam and perform a high precision measurement of the ground-state hyperfine transition frequency of the antihydrogen atom and compare it with that of the hydrogen atom using the same spectroscopic beam line. Towards this goal a significant step was successfully accomplished: synthesised antihydrogen atoms have been produced in a CUSP magnetic configuration and detected at the end of our spectrometer beam line in 2012 [1]. [...]
- Published in : Hyperfine Interact. 237 (2016) 156
In : 6th International Symposium on Symmetries in Subatomic Physics, Victoria, Canada, 08 - 12 Jun 2015, pp.156
The development of the antihydrogen beam detector and the detection of the antihydrogen atoms for in-flight hyperfine spectroscopy
/ Nagata, Y (Wako, RIKEN) ; Sauerzopf, C (Stefan Meyer Inst. Subatomare Phys.) ; Capon, A (Stefan Meyer Inst. Subatomare Phys.) ; Kuroda, N (Tokyo, U. Earth Sci. Astron.) ; Abo, Y ; Diermaier, M (Stefan Meyer Inst. Subatomare Phys.) ; Dupre, P (Wako, RIKEN) ; Higashi, Y (Tokyo, U. Earth Sci. Astron.) ; Ishikawa, S (Tokyo, U. Earth Sci. Astron.) ; Kaga, C (ADSM, Hiroshima) et al.
We have been developing ground-state antihydrogen atomic beams to test CPT symmetry via in-flight hyperfine spectroscopy. A new antihydrogen beam detector has been developed. [...]
2015 - 1 p.
- Published in : J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 635 (2015) 022061
IOP Open Access article: PDF;
In : 29th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions, Toledo, Spain, 22 - 28 July 2015, pp.022061
A Compact 70 kW Power Amplifier at 100 MHz
/ Fujimoto, T ; Ishikawa, S ; Narita, K ; Aoki, T ; Fujisawa, T ; Sato, Y
External link: Published version
In : 21st International Linear Accelerator Conference, Gyeongju, Korea, 19 - 23 Aug 2002, pp.e-proc. TU456
Emittance Measurement for The Heavy-Ion Sources at HIMAC
/ Miyata, T ; Yamamoto, M ; Jincho, K ; Sasaki, N ; Miyoshi, T ; Ishikawa, S ; Kobayashi, C
External link: Published version
In : 21st International Linear Accelerator Conference, Gyeongju, Korea, 19 - 23 Aug 2002, pp.e-proc. MO455
GRTUNCL-3D : An Extension of the GRTUNCL Code to Compute R- theta -Z First Collision Source Moments
/ Masukawa, F ; Kadotani, H ; Hoshiai, Y ; Amano, T ; Ishikawa, S ; Sutton, M R ; Hertel, N E
- Published in : J. Nucl. Sci. Technol.: suppl. 1 (2000) , pp. 471-474
External link: e-proceedings
In : 9th International Conference on Radiation Shielding, Tsukuba, Japan, 17 - 22 Oct 1999, pp.471-474
Improvement of Air Transport Data and Wall Transmission/Reflection Data in the SKYSHINE Code (1) - Calculation of line Beam Reponse Functions for Gamma-Ray Skyshine Analysis
/ Nemoto, M ; Harima, Y ; Hirayama, H ; Sakamoto, Y ; Hayashi, K ; Hayashida, Y ; Ishikawa, S ; Sato, O ; Tayama, R
- Published in : J. Nucl. Sci. Technol.: suppl. 1 (2000) , pp. 616-620
External link: e-proceedings
In : 9th International Conference on Radiation Shielding, Tsukuba, Japan, 17 - 22 Oct 1999, pp.616-620
Improvement of Air Transport Data and Wall Transmission/Reflection Data in the SKYSHINE Code (2) - Calculation of Gamma-Ray Wall Transnission and Reflection Data
/ Hayashida, Y ; Ishikawa, S ; Hayashi, K ; Hirayama, H ; Sakamoto, Y ; Harima, Y ; Nemoto, M ; Sato, O ; Tayama, R
- Published in : J. Nucl. Sci. Technol.: suppl. 1 (2000) , pp. 621-625
External link: e-proceedings
In : 9th International Conference on Radiation Shielding, Tsukuba, Japan, 17 - 22 Oct 1999, pp.621-625
Application of Improved Air Transport Data and Wall Transmission /Reflection Data in the SKYSHINE Code to Typical BWR Turbine Skyshine
/ Tayama, R ; Hirayama, H ; Sakamoto, Y ; Harima, Y ; Hayashida, Y ; Nemoto, M ; Ishikawa, S ; Sato, O ; Hayashi, K
- Published in : J. Nucl. Sci. Technol.: suppl. 1 (2000) , pp. 626-630
External link: e-proceedings
In : 9th International Conference on Radiation Shielding, Tsukuba, Japan, 17 - 22 Oct 1999, pp.626-630