CERN Accelerating science

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Electroweak Measurements in Electron-Positron Collisions at W-Boson-Pair Energies at LEP / ALEPH Collaboration
Electroweak measurements performed with data taken at the electron-positron collider LEP at CERN from 1995 to 2000 are reported. The combined data set considered in this report corresponds to a total luminosity of about 3~fb$^{-1}$ collected by the four LEP experiments ALEPH, DELPHI, L3 and OPAL, at centre-of-mass energies ranging from $130~GeV$ to $209~GeV$ [...]
arXiv:1302.3415; CERN-PH-EP-2013-022; CERN-PH-EP-2013-022.- Geneva : CERN, 2013 - 126 p. - Published in : Phys. Rep. 532 (2013) 119-244 Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: CERN-PH-EP-2013-022 - PDF; arXiv:1302.3415 - PDF; External link: Preprint
First evidence for direct CP violation / CERN-Dortmund-Edinburgh-Mainz-Orsay-Pisa-Siegen Collaboration
LAL-88-36.- Orsay : LAL, 1988 - 11 p. Fulltext: PDF;
In : 23rd Rencontres de Moriond, Les Arcs, France, 6 - 13 Mar 1988, pp.335-344
CP violation, Les Arcs, France, 6 - 13 Mar 1988, pp.75-82
Dimuon resonance production from 200 and 280 GeV/c tagged hadron beam / Badier, J (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Boucrot, J (Orsay, LAL) ; Burgun, G (Saclay) ; Callot, O (Orsay, LAL) ; Charpentier, Ph (Saclay) ; Crozon, M (College de France) ; Decamp, D (CERN) ; Delpierre, P (College de France) ; Diop, A (College de France) ; Dubé, R (Orsay, LAL) et al.
- 1980. - 34 p.
Muon pair production at masses above 4 GeV/c$^{2}$ (drell-yan continuum) by $\pi{+-}$, K$^{=-}$, $\overline{p}$ and p of 200 GeV/c and by $\pi{-}$ of 280 GeV/c on platinum and hydrogen targets / Badier, J (Ecole Polytechnique) ; Boucrot, J (Orsay, LAL) ; Burgun, G (Saclay) ; Callot, O (Orsay, LAL) ; Charpentier, Ph (Saclay) ; Crozon, M (College de France) ; Decamp, D (CERN) ; Delpierre, P (College de France) ; Diop, A (College de France) ; Dubé, R (Orsay, LAL) et al.
- 1979. - 23 p.
Anomalies in the strong interaction shifts and width of the 1s level in pionic $^{6}$Li, $^{7}$Li, and ^{9}$Be. / Backenstoss, Gerhard ; Bergström, I ; Egger, J ; Hagelberg, R ; Herrlander, C J ; Koch, H ; Povel, H P ; Price, R H ; Schwitter, A ; Tauscher, L
In : 5th International Conference on High-energy Physics and Nuclear Structure, Uppsala, Sweden, 18 - 22 Jun 1973, pp.146
Recent results from studies on hadronic atoms / Backenstoss, Gerhard ; Bunaciu, T ; Egger, J ; Von Egidy, T ; Hagelberg, R ; Herrlander, C J ; Koch, H ; Povel, H P ; Schwitter, A ; Tauscher, L
In : International Conference on Nuclear Physics, v.1-3, Munich, Germany, 27 Aug 1973, pp.317
Precision electroweak measurements on the $Z$ resonance / ALEPH Collaboration
We report on the final electroweak measurements performed with data taken at the Z resonance by the experiments operating at the electron-positron colliders SLC and LEP. The data consist of 17 million Z decays accumulated by the ALEPH, DELPHI, L3 and OPAL experiments at LEP, and 600 thousand Z decays by the SLD experiment using a polarised beam at SLC. [...]
hep-ex/0509008; SLAC-R-774; CERN-PH-EP-2005-041; SLAC-R-774; CERN-L3-304.- Geneva : CERN, 2006 - 302 p. ALEPH Papers - Published in : Phys. Rep. 427 (2006) 257 Fulltext: phep-2005-041 - PDF; arXiv:hep-ex_0509008 - PDF; External link: SLAC Document Server
K$_{-}$ and K$_{-}$ polarizability from kaonic atoms / Backenstoss, Gerhard ; Bamberger, A ; Bergström, I ; Bunaciu, T ; Egger, J ; Hagelberg, R ; Hultberg, S ; Koch, H ; Lynen, Y ; Ritter, H G et al.
The K/sup -/ mass was determined from kaonic atomic X-rays from Au and Ba to be 493.691+or-0.040 MeV. An upper limit for the polarizability of the K/sup -/ was found to be 0.020 fm/sup 3/ at 90% confidence. [...]
1973 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 43 (1973) 431-6
Precision determination of the strong interaction shifts and widths of the 1s level in pionic $^{6}$Li, $^{7}$Li, and $^{9}$Be / Backenstoss, Gerhard ; Bergström, I ; Egger, J ; Hagelberg, R ; Herrlander, C J ; Koch, H ; Povel, H P ; Price, R H ; Schwitter, A ; Tauscher, L
The strong-interaction shifts of the 1s level in pionic /sup 6/Li, /sup 7/Li, and /sup 9/Be have been determined with an accuracy of better than 1%. The corresponding widths were determined with an accuracy of better than 6%. [...]
1973 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 66 (1973) 125-34
New results from pionic atoms / Tauscher, L ; Backenstoss, Gerhard ; Bergström, I ; Bunaciu, T ; Egger, J ; Hagelberg, R ; Hultberg, S ; Koch, H ; Povel, H ; Price, R et al.
In the last few years the resolution of Ge- and Si-detectors has been improved remarkably, particularly for low energetic X-rays. It therefore became possible to measure absorption broadenings and transition energies of pionic 2p-1s transitions in very light elements, which could be measured before with only limited accuracy. [...]
1972 - Published in : J. Phys.: 33 (1972) , no. 8-9, pp. 159
In : 1st European Conference on Nuclear Physics, Aix-en-Provence, France, 26 Jun - 1 Jul 1972, pp.159

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