CERN Accelerating science

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The ATLAS hadronic tile calorimeter : from construction toward physics / Adragna, P (Pisa U.) ; Alexa, C ; Anderson, K ; Antonaki, A ; Batusov, V ; Bednar, P ; Binet, S ; Biscarat, C ; Blanchot, G ; Bogush, A A et al.
The Tile Calorimeter, which constitutes the central section of the ATLAS hadronic calorimeter, is a non-compensating sampling device made of iron and scintillating tiles. The construction phase of the calorimeter is nearly complete, and most of the effort now is directed toward the final assembly and commissioning in the underground experimental hall. [...]
2006 - Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 53 (2006) 1275-81
A measurement of the photonuclear interactions of 180 GeV muons in iron / Alexa, C ; Anderson, K ; Antonaki, A ; Batusov, V ; Berglund, S ; Biscarat, C ; Blanch, O ; Blancot, G ; Bogush, A A ; Bohm, C et al.
The energy spectrum and the cross section of photonuclear interactions of 180 GeV muons in iron were measured at the CERN SPS using prototype modules of the ATLAS hadron calorimeter. The differential cross section (N/sub A//A)vd sigma /dv for a muon fractional energy loss v = Delta E/sub mu //E/sub mu / was measured in the range 0.1< v <1. [...]
2003 - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 28 (2003) 297-304
Finite transformations in continuous symmetry group theory and its application in the field theory of elementary particles / Bogush, A A ; Fedorov, F I
- 1976. - 43 p.
Experimental Study of the Effect of Hadron Shower Leakage on the Energy Response and Resolution of ATLAS Hadron Barrel Prototype Calorimeter / Bogush, A A ; Budagov, Yu A ; Karapetian, G V ; Kulchitskii, Yu A ; Nessi, Marzio ; Rumyantsev, V S ; Vinogradov, V B
ATL-TILECAL-96-076 ; ATL-L-PN-76.
- 1996.
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Electron Response and e/h Ratio of ATLAS Iron-Scintillator Hadron Prototype Calorimeter with longitudinal Tile Configuration / Kulchitsky, Y.A. (Minsk, Inst. Phys. ; Dubna, JINR) ; Budagov, J.A. (Dubna, JINR) ; Vinogradov, V.B. (Dubna, JINR) ; Nessi, M. (CERN) ; Bogush, A.A. (Minsk, Inst. Phys.) ; Arkadov, V.V. (Moscow Phys. Eng. Inst. ; Dubna, JINR) ; Karapetian, G.V. (Yerevan Phys. Inst. ; CERN)
The detailed information about electron response, electron energy resolution and e/h ratio as a function of incident energy E, impact point Z and incidence angle $\Theta$ of iron-scintillator hadron prototype calorimeter with longitudinal tile configuration is presented. [...]
hep-ex/9903050 ; JINR-E1-95-513A ; ATL-L-PN-72.
- 1996. - 16 p.
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A precise measurement of 180 GeV muon energy losses in iron / ATLAS Collaboration
The energy loss spectrum of 180 GeV muons has been measured with the 5.6 m long finely segmented Module 0 of the ATLAS hadron tile calorimeter at the CERN SPS. The differential probability dP/d nu per radiation length of a fractional energy loss nu = Delta E/sub mu //E /sub mu / has been measured in the range 0.025<or= nu <or=0.97; it is compared with theoretical predictions for energy losses due to bremsstrahlung, production of electron-positron pairs, and energetic knock-on electrons. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 2001 - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 20 (2001) 487-95
Results from a new combined test of an electromagnetic liquid argon calorimeter with a hadronic scintillating-tile calorimeter / ATLAS Collaboration
A new combined test of an electromagnetic liquid argon accordion calorimeter and a hadronic scintillating-tile calorimeter was carried out at the CERN SPS. These devices are prototypes of the barrel calorimeter of the future ATLAS experiment at the LHC. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 2000 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 449 (2000) 461-77
In : 8th International Conference on Calorimetry in High Energy Physics, Lisbon, Portugal, 13 - 19 Jun 1999, pp.380-385
ATLAS detector and physics performance : Technical Design Report, 2 / Airapetian, A.
CERN-LHCC-99-015 ATLAS-TDR-15. - Geneva : CERN, 1999. - 966 p. (Technical design report. ATLAS ; 15)

ATLAS detector and physics performance : Technical Design Report, 1 / Airapetian, A.
CERN-LHCC-99-014 ATLAS-TDR-14. - Geneva : CERN, 1999. - 460 p. (Technical design report. ATLAS ; 14)

Effect on a Hadron Shower Leakage on the Energy Response and Resolution of Hadron Tile Calorimeter / Kulchitsky, Y.A. (Minsk, Inst. Phys. ; Dubna, JINR) ; Rumyantsev, V.S. (Minsk, Inst. Phys. ; Dubna, JINR) ; Budagov, J.A. (Dubna, JINR) ; Vinogradov, V.B. (Dubna, JINR) ; Karapetian, G. (CERN) ; Nessi, M. (CERN) ; Bogush, A.A. (Minsk, Inst. Phys.)
The hadronic shower longitudinal and lateral leakages and its effect on the pion response and energy resolution of iron-scintillator barrel hadron prototype calorimeter with longitudinal tile configuration with a thickness of 9.4 nuclear interaction lengths have been investigated. [...]
hep-ex/9903051 ; JINR-E1-96-180A ; JINR-E1-96-180.
- 1999. - 24 p.
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