CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Sök i 17 journaler efter:  1 - 10nästa  gå till journal: Sökningen tog 1.39 sekunder. 
Partial wave analysis of the (Kππ) system in the L region in Kp(Kπ+π)p at 10 GeV/c, 14.3 GeV/c and 16 GeV/c / Otter, Gerd ; Rudolph, G ; Wieczorek, H ; Lanius, Karl ; Naumann, T ; Morrison, Douglas Robert Ogston ; Triantis, F A ; Barnham, Keith W J ; Pollock, B ; MacNaughton, J N et al.
AACHEN-III-B-77-5.- 1979 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 147 (1979) 1
A partial wave analysis of the (ˉK0π+π) system produced in KpˉK0π+πn at 10 GeV/c / Beusch, Werner ; Aebischer, B ; Birman, A ; Fluri, L ; Freudenreich, Klaus ; Gentit, F X ; Königs, E ; Nakkasyan, A ; Otter, Gerd ; Pernegr, J et al.
A partial wave analysis of the non-diffractively produced (K/sup 0/ pi /sup +/ pi /sup -/) system has been performed. The system was produced in the reaction K/sup -/p to K/sup 0/ pi /sup +/ pi /sup -/n at 10 GeV /c, measured in the CERN Omega spectrometer. [...]
AACHEN-III-B-77-6.- 1978 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 74 (1978) 282-286
Partial wave analysis of the (KKK) system in the reaction KpKKK+p at 10 and 16 GeV/c / Otter, Gerd ; Barnham, Keith W J ; Cocconi, Vanna T ; Dornan, P J ; Hansen, J D ; Humble, Stephen ; MacNaughton, J N ; Markytan, Manfred ; Morrison, Douglas Robert Ogston ; Pollock, B et al.
CERN-D-Ph-II-PHYS-74-49.- Geneva : CERN, 1975 - 15 p. - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 89 (1975) 201-209
Investigation of the low mass \piK¯Ksysteminthereactions\pi\pm\rightarrow(\pi\pmK^{+}K{-})p$ at 16 GeV/c / Otter, Gerd ; Becker, L ; Böckmann, Klaus ; Cocconi, Vanna T ; Coghen, T ; Hansen, J D ; Leitner, E ; Ljung, S B ; Lohmann, W ; Lowsky, J et al.
CERN-D-Ph-II-PHYS-75-35.- Geneva : CERN, 1975 - 27 p. - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 96 (1975) 365-378
Partial wave analysis of the (0¯Kππ0) system produced in the Q-mass region in Kp(¯K0ππ0)p at 10 and 16 GeV/C / Otter, Gerd ; Barnham, Keith W J ; Cocconi, Vanna T ; Counihan, Martin J ; Hansen, J D ; Kallinger, Walter E ; Klugow, J ; Markytan, Manfred ; Morrison, Douglas Robert Ogston ; Nowak, H et al.
CERN-D-Ph-II-PHYS-75-14.- Geneva : CERN, 1975 - 31 p. - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 96 (1975) 29-44
Evidence for different polarisation properties of the \varrhoK and K(890)π States of the 1+ wave in the Q region / Otter, Gerd ; Barnham, Keith W J ; Buschbeck, Brigitte ; Böttcher, Helmut B ; Cocconi, Vanna T ; Counihan, Martin J ; Dornan, P J ; Hansen, J D ; Jones, G T ; Kotanski, A et al.
CERN-D-Ph-II-PHYS-75-9.- Geneva : CERN, 1975 - 40 p. - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 93 (1975) 365-386
A comparative investigation of low mass π+ω- and (Kω) systems at various energies / Otter, Gerd ; Becker, L ; Dornan, P J ; Hansen, J D ; Hartmann, R ; Jones, G T ; Kallinger, Walter E ; Kaufmann, H H ; Kotanski, A ; Leitner, E et al.
CERN-D-Ph-II-HEC-74-8; CERN-D-Ph-II-PHYS-74-44.- Geneva : CERN, 1975 - 29 p. - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 87 (1975) 189-206
Spin-parity structure of the (Kπ) system produced in the reaction Kp(Kπ+)n / Aachen-Berlin-CERN-London(IC)-Vienna Collaboration
CERN-D-Ph-II-PHYS-74-24.- Geneva : CERN, 1975 - 21 p. - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 86 (1975) 189-200
Evidence for unnatural spin-parity states of (kππ)0 in the charge exchange reaction KP(¯k0π+π)n / Aachen-Berlin-CERN-London(IC)-Vienna Collaboration
CERN-D-Ph-II-PHYS-74-10.- Geneva : CERN, 1975 - 117 p. - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 84 (1975) 333-341
Partial wave analysis of the 3π System produced in the reaction π+p(π+π+π)p at 8, 16 and 23 GeV/c / Aachen-Berlin-Bonn-CERN-Heidelberg Collaboration
CERN-D-Phys-74-21.- Geneva : CERN, 1974 - 19 p. - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 80 (1974) 1-11

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