CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Sök i 61 journaler efter:  1 - 10nästaslut  gå till journal: Sökningen tog 0.53 sekunder. 
Strong Interaction Physics at the Luminosity Frontier with 22 GeV Electrons at Jefferson Lab / Accardi, A. (Hampton U.) ; Achenbach, P. (Jefferson Lab) ; Adhikari, D. (Virginia Tech.) ; Afanasev, A. (George Washington U.) ; Akondi, C.S. (Florida State U.) ; Akopov, N. (Yerevan Phys. Inst.) ; Albaladejo, M. (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Albataineh, H. (Texas A-M ; HARC, Woodlands) ; Albrecht, M. (Jefferson Lab) ; Almeida-Zamora, B. (Sonora U.) et al.
This document presents the initial scientific case for upgrading the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) at Jefferson Lab (JLab) to 22 GeV. It is the result of a community effort, incorporating insights from a series of workshops conducted between March 2022 and April 2023. [...]
arXiv:2306.09360; JLAB-PHY-23-3840; JLAB-THY-23-3848.- 2024-09-04 - 139 p. - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. A 60 (2024) 173 Fulltext: PDF; External link: JLab Document Server
The ECFA Early Career Researcher's Panel: composition, structure, and activities, 2021 - 2022 / Alexandru Geanta, Andrei (Bucharest U.) ; Amendola, Chiara (IRFU, Saclay) ; Apolinario, Liliana (LIP, Lisbon) ; Arling, Jan-Hendrik (DESY) ; Ashkenazi, Adi (Tel Aviv U.) ; Augsten, Kamil (Prague, Tech. U.) ; Bagnaschi, Emanuele (CERN) ; Bakos, Evelin (Belgrade, Inst. Phys.) ; Barak, Liron (Tel Aviv U.) ; Bastos, Diogo (LIP, Lisbon) et al.
The European Committee for Future Accelerators (ECFA) Early Career Researcher's (ECR) panel, which represents the interests of the ECR community to ECFA, officially began its activities in January 2021. [...]
- 13 p.
Results of the 2021 ECFA Early-Career Researcher Survey on Training in Instrumentation / ECFA Early-Career Researcher Panel Collaboration
The European Committee for Future Accelerators (ECFA) Early-Career Researchers (ECR) Panel was invited by the ECFA Detector R&D Roadmap conveners to collect feedback from the European ECR community. [...]
- 32 p.
Fulltext - Fulltext
Probing transversity by measuring $\Lambda$ polarisation in SIDIS / Alexeev, M.G. ; Alexeev, G.D. (Dubna, JINR) ; Amoroso, A. ; Andrieux, V. ; Anosov, V. (Dubna, JINR) ; Augsten, K. ; Augustyniak, W. (NCBJ, Warsaw) ; Azevedo, C.D.R. (Aveiro U.) ; Badełek, B. (Warsaw U.) ; Balestra, F. et al. /COMPASS
Based on the observation of sizeable target-transverse-spin asymmetries in single-hadron and hadron-pair production in Semi-Inclusive measurements of Deep Inelastic Scattering (SIDIS), the chiral-odd transversity quark distribution functions $h_1^q$ are nowadays well established. Several possible channels to access these functions were originally proposed. [...]
arXiv:2104.13585; CERN-EP-2021-072.- Geneva : CERN, 2022-01-10 - 18 p. Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: CERN-EP-2021-072 - PDF; 2104.13585 - PDF;
Spin Density Matrix Elements in Exclusive $\omega$ Meson Muoproduction $^*$ / COMPASS Collaboration
We report on a measurement of Spin Density Matrix Elements (SDMEs) in hard exclusive $\omega$ meson muoproduction on the proton at COMPASS using 160 GeV/$c$ polarised $ \mu ^{+}$ and $ \mu ^{-}$ beams impinging on a liquid hydrogen target. The measurement covers the range 5.0 GeV/$c^2$ $< W <$ 17.0 GeV/$c^2$, with the average kinematics $\langle Q^{2} \rangle=$ 2.1 (GeV/$c$)$^2$, $\langle W \rangle= 7.6$ GeV/$c^2$, and $\langle p^{2}_{\rm T} \rangle = 0.16$ (GeV/$c$)$^2$. [...]
arXiv:2009.03271; CERN-EP-2020-169.- Geneva : CERN, 2021-02-05 - 22 p. - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 81 (2021) 126 Article from SCOAP3: PDF; Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: CERN-EP-2020-169 - PDF; 2009.03271 - PDF;
A Triangle Singularity as the Origin of the $a_1(1420)$ / Alexeev, G.D. (Dubna, JINR) ; Alexeev, M.G. (Turin U. ; INFN, Turin) ; Amoroso, A. (Turin U. ; INFN, Turin) ; Andrieux, V. (CERN ; Illinois U., Urbana) ; Anosov, V. (Dubna, JINR) ; Antoshkin, A. (Dubna, JINR) ; Augsten, K. (Dubna, JINR ; CTU, Prague) ; Augustyniak, W. (NCBJ, Warsaw) ; Azevedo, C.D.R. (Aveiro U.) ; Badełek, B. (Warsaw U.) et al.
The COMPASS experiment recently discovered a new isovector resonance-like signal with axial-vector quantum numbers, the $a_1(1420)$, decaying to $f_0(980)\pi$. With a mass too close to and a width smaller than the axial-vector ground state $a_1(1260)$, it was immediately interpreted as a new light exotic meson, similar to the $X$, $Y$, $Z$ states in the hidden-charm sector. [...]
arXiv:2006.05342; CERN-EP-2020-104.- Geneva : CERN, 2021-08-18 - 21 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: CERN-EP-2020-104 - PDF; 2006.05342 - PDF;
Antiproton over proton and K$^-$ over K$^+$ multiplicity ratios at high $z$ in DIS / COMPASS Collaboration
The $\bar{\rm p} $ over p multiplicity ratio is measured in deep-inelastic scattering for the first time using (anti-) protons carrying a large fraction of the virtual-photon energy, $z>0.5$. The data were obtained by the COMPASS Collaboration using a 160 GeV muon beam impinging on an isoscalar $^6$LiD target. [...]
arXiv:2003.11791; CERN-EP-2020-041.- Geneva : CERN, 2020-07-02 - 19 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 807 (2020) 135600 Article from SCOAP3: PDF; Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: CERN-EP-2020-041 - PDF; 2003.11791 - PDF; Fulltext from publisher: PDF;
Report on the ECFA Early-Career Researchers Debate on the 2020 European Strategy Update for Particle Physics / Bethani, A. (ed.) (Cathol. U. Louvain (main)) ; Brondolin, E. (ed.) (CERN) ; Elliot, A.A. (ed.) (Queen Mary, U. of London (main)) ; García Pardiñas, J. (ed.) (U. Zurich (main)) ; Gilles, G. (ed.) (Bergische U., Wuppertal (main)) ; Gouskos, L. (ed.) (CERN) ; Gouveia, E. (ed.) (LIP, Minho) ; Graverini, E. (ed.) (Ecole Polytechnique, Lausanne) ; Hermansson-Truedsson, N. (ed.) (Lund U. (main)) ; Irles, A. (ed.) (IJCLab, Orsay) et al.
A group of Early-Career Researchers (ECRs) has been given a mandate from the European Committee for Future Accelerators (ECFA) to debate the topics of the current European Strategy Update (ESU) for Particle Physics and to summarise the outcome in a brief document [1]. A full-day debate with 180 delegates was held at CERN, followed by a survey collecting quantitative input. [...]
arXiv:2002.02837; CERN-OPEN-2020-006.- Geneva : CERN, 2020 - 48 p. Fulltext: ECR_EFCA_report_submission_date (1) - PDF; 2002.02837 - PDF; CERN-OPEN-2020-006 - PDF; External link: CERN Courier article
Contribution of exclusive diffractive processes to the measured azimuthal asymmetries in SIDIS / COMPASS Collaboration
Hadron leptoproduction in Semi-Inclusive measurements of Deep-Inelastic Scattering (SIDIS) on unpolarised nucleons allows one to get information on the intrinsic transverse momentum of quarks in a nucleon and on the Boer-Mulders function through the measurement of azimuthal modulations in the cross section. These modulations were recently measured by the HERMES experiment at DESY on proton and deuteron targets, and by the COMPASS experiment using the CERN SPS muon beam and a $^6$LiD target. [...]
arXiv:1912.10322; CERN-EP-2019-286.- Geneva : CERN, 2020-07 - 13 p. - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 956 (2020) 115039 Article from SCOAP3: PDF; Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: CERN-EP-2019-286 - PDF; 1912.10322 - PDF;
COMPASS++/AMBER: Proposal for Measurements at the M2 beam line of the CERN SPS Phase-1: 2022-2024 / Adams, B ; Aidala, C A ; Alexeev, G D ; Alexeev, M G ; Amoroso, A ; Andrieux, V ; Anfimov, N V ; Anosov, V ; Antoshkin, A ; Augsten, K et al.
The Compass++/Amber (proto-)collaboration proposes to establish a “New QCD facility at the M2 beam line of the CERN SPS” and perform in phase-1, i.e. [...]
CERN-SPSC-2019-022 ; SPSC-P-360.
- 2019.

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