CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Sök i 1 journaler efter:  Sökningen tog 1.41 sekunder. 
Study of Thin Double-Gap RPCs for the CMS Muon System / Lee, K S (Korea U.) ; Cho, S W (Korea U.) ; Choi, S (Korea U.) ; Hong, B (Korea U.) ; Kang, M (Korea U.) ; Lim, J H (Korea U.) ; Jo, Y M (Korea U.) ; Park, S K (Korea U.) ; Ryoo, K R (Korea U.) ; Aly, R (Cairo, Acad. Sci. Res. Tech.) et al.
High-sensitivity double-gap phenolic resistive plate chambers (RPCs) are studied for the Phase-2 upgrade of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) muon system at high pseudorapidity η. Whereas the present CMS RPCs have a gas gap thickness of 2 mm, we propose to use thinner gas gaps, which will improve the performance of these RPCs. [...]
2018 - 8 p. - Published in : J. Korean Phys. Soc. 73 (2018) 1080-1087
In : 21st International Conference on Accelerators and Beam Utilizations, Gyeongju, Korea, 15 - 17 Nov 2017, pp.1080-1087

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