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CERN Document Server Sök i 31 journaler efter:  1 - 10nästaslut  gå till journal: Sökningen tog 1.12 sekunder. 
Spectroscopic quadrupole moments in Xe124 / Clément, E (GANIL) ; Lemasson, A (GANIL) ; Rejmund, M (GANIL) ; Jacquot, B (GANIL) ; Ralet, D (GANIL) ; Michelagnoli, C (GANIL ; Laue-Langevin Inst.) ; Barrientos, D (CERN) ; Bednarczyk, P (Cracow, INP) ; Benzoni, G (INFN, Milan) ; Boston, A J (Liverpool U.) et al.
Background: The Xe isotopic chain with four valence protons above the Z=50 shell closure is an ideal laboratory for the study of the evolution of nuclear deformation. At the N=82 shell closure, Xe136 presents all characteristics of a doubly closed shell nucleus with a spherical shape. [...]
2023 - 8 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 107 (2023) 014324 External link: accepted manuscript
Search for $^{22}$Na in novae supported by a novel method for measuring femtosecond nuclear lifetimes / Fougères, Chloé (GANIL ; Argonne, PHY) ; de Oliveira Santos, François (GANIL) ; José, Jordi (Barcelona U. ; Barcelona, IEEC) ; Michelagnoli, Caterina (Laue-Langevin Inst.) ; Clément, Emmanuel (GANIL) ; Kim, Yung Hee (GANIL ; IBS, Daejeon, CENS) ; Lemasson, Antoine (GANIL) ; Guimarães, Valdir (Sao Paulo U.) ; Barrientos, Diego (CERN) ; Bemmerer, Daniel (HZDR, Dresden) et al.
Classical novae are thermonuclear explosions in stellar binary systems, and important sources of $^{26}$Al and $^{22}$Na. While gamma rays from the decay of the former radioisotope have been observed throughout the Galaxy, $^{22}$Na remains untraceable. [...]
arXiv:2212.06302.- 2023-09-05 - 18 p. - Published in : Nature Commun. 14 (2023) 4536 Fulltext: document - PDF; 2212.06302 - PDF;
Reinterpretation of excited states in $^{212}$Po: Shell-model multiplets rather than $\alpha$-cluster states / Fernández, A (CSIC, Madrid) ; Jungclaus, A (CSIC, Madrid) ; Golubev, P (Lund U.) ; Rudolph, D (Lund U.) ; Sarmiento, L G (Lund U.) ; Gargano, A (INFN, Naples) ; Naïdja, H (Constantine U.) ; Astier, A (IJCLab, Orsay) ; Dupont, E (IJCLab, Orsay) ; Gadea, A (Valencia U., IFIC) et al.
A $\gamma$ -ray spectroscopic study of $^{212}$Po was performed at the Grand Accélérateur National d’Ions Lourds, using the inverse kinematics α-transfer reaction $^{12}$C($^{208}$Pb, $^{212}$Po) $^8$Be and the AGATA spectrometer. A careful analysis based on $\gamma \gamma$ coincidence relations allowed us to establish 14 new excited states in the energy range between 1.9 and 3.3 MeV. [...]
2021 - 19 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 104 (2021) 054316 Fulltext: PDF;
NEDA—NEutron Detector Array / Valiente-Dobón, J J (INFN, Legnaro) ; Jaworski, G (INFN, Legnaro) ; Goasduff, A (INFN, Legnaro ; Padua U. ; INFN, Padua) ; Egea, F J (INFN, Legnaro ; Padua U. ; INFN, Padua ; Valencia U., IFIC) ; Modamio, V (INFN, Legnaro ; Oslo U.) ; Hüyük, T (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Triossi, A (Padua U. ; INFN, Padua ; CERN) ; Jastrząb, M (Cracow, INP) ; Söderström, P A (ELI-NP, Bucharest) ; Di Nitto, A (Darmstadt, GSI ; Helmholtz Inst., Mainz) et al.
The NEutron Detector Array, NEDA, will form the next generation neutron detection system that has been designed to be operated in conjunction with γ -ray arrays, such as the tracking-array AGATA, to aid nuclear spectroscopy studies. NEDA has been designed to be a versatile device, with high-detection efficiency, excellent neutron- γ discrimination, and high rate capabilities. [...]
2019 - 6 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 927 (2019) 81-86
The New Neutron Multiplicity Filter NEDA and Its First Physics Campaign with AGATA / Jaworski, G (INFN, Legnaro ; Warsaw U., Heavy Ion Lab) ; Goasduff, A (INFN, Legnaro ; Padua U. ; INFN, Padua) ; Egea Canet, F J (INFN, Legnaro ; Padua U. ; INFN, Padua ; Valencia U., IFIC) ; Modamio, V (INFN, Legnaro ; Oslo U.) ; Hüyük, T (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Triossi, A (Padua U. ; INFN, Padua ; CERN) ; Jastrząb, M (Cracow, INP) ; Söderström, P A (ELI-NP, Bucharest) ; Carturan, S M (Padua U. ; INFN, Padua) ; Di Nitto, A (Helmholtz Inst., Mainz ; Darmstadt, GSI) et al.
A new neutron multiplicity filter NEDA, after a decade of design, R&D; and construction, was employed in its first physics campaign with the AGATA spectrometer. Properties and performance of the array are discussed..
Acta Physica Polonica B Editorial Office, 2019 - 6 p. - Published in : Acta Phys. Pol. B 50 (2019) 585
In : Zakopane Conference on Nuclear Physics : Extremes of the Nuclear Landscape, Zakopane, Poland, 26 Aug - 2 Sep 2018, pp.585
Pseudospin Symmetry and Microscopic Origin of Shape Coexistence in the $^{78}$Ni Region: A Hint from Lifetime Measurements / Delafosse, C (Orsay, IPN) ; Verney, D (Orsay, IPN) ; Marević, P (Orsay, IPN ; CEA DAM) ; Gottardo, A (Orsay, IPN) ; Michelagnoli, C (GANIL) ; Lemasson, A (GANIL) ; Goasduff, A (INFN, Legnaro) ; Ljungvall, J (CSNSM, Orsay) ; Clément, E (GANIL) ; Korichi, A (CSNSM, Orsay) et al.
Lifetime measurements of excited states of the light $N=52$ isotones $^{88}$Kr, $^{86}$Se, and $^{84}$Ge have been performed, using the recoil distance Doppler shift method and VAMOS and AGATA spectrometers for particle identification and gamma spectroscopy, respectively. The reduced electric quadrupole transition probabilities $B(E2;2^+ \rightarrow 0^+)$ and $B(E2;4^+ \rightarrow 2^+)$ were obtained for the first time for the hard-to-reach $^{84}$Ge. [...]
2018 - 7 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 121 (2018) 192502 Fulltext: PDF;
EXILL—a high-efficiency, high-resolution setup for $\gamma$-spectroscopy at an intense cold neutron beam facility / Jentschel, M (Laue-Langevin Inst.) ; Blanc, A (Laue-Langevin Inst.) ; de France, G (GANIL) ; Köster, U (Laue-Langevin Inst.) ; Leoni, S (Milan U.) ; Mutti, P (Laue-Langevin Inst.) ; Simpson, G (LPSC, Grenoble) ; Soldner, T (Laue-Langevin Inst.) ; Ur, C (Padua U. ; Bucharest, IFIN-HH) ; Urban, W (Laue-Langevin Inst. ; Warsaw U.) et al.
In the EXILL campaign a highly efficient array of high purity germanium (HPGe) detectors was operated at the cold neutron beam facility PF1B of the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) to carry out nuclear structure studies, via measurements of γ-rays following neutron-induced capture and fission reactions. The setup consisted of a collimation system producing a pencil beam with a thermal capture equivalent flux of about 10(8) n s(−)(1)cm(−)(2) at the target position and negligible neutron halo. [...]
2017 - Published in : JINST 12 (2017) P11003 Fulltext: PDF;
$_{36}^{96}$Kr$_{60}$–low-$Z$ boundary of the island of deformation at $N=60$ / Dudouet, J (Lyon, IPN) ; Lemasson, A (GANIL) ; Duchêne, G (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; Rejmund, M (GANIL) ; Clément, E (GANIL) ; Michelagnoli, C (GANIL) ; Didierjean, F (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; Korichi, A (CSNSM, Orsay ; GANIL) ; Maquart, G (Lyon, IPN) ; Stezowski, O (Lyon, IPN) et al.
Prompt γ-ray spectroscopy of the neutron-rich 96Kr, produced in transfer- and fusion-induced fission reactions, has been performed using the combination of the Advanced Gamma Tracking Array and the VAMOSþþspectrometer. A second excited state, assigned to Jπ ¼ 4þ, is observed for the first time, and a previously reported level energy of the first 2þ excited state is confirmed. [...]
2017 - 6 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 118 (2017) 162501 Fulltext: PDF;
In-beam $\gamma$ spectroscopy using DIC with a radioactive Ne beam / Benzoni, G ; Azaiez, F ; Leoni, S ; Battacharyya, S ; Borcea, R ; Bracco, A ; Corradi, L ; Curien, D ; DeFrance, G ; Dombrádi, Z et al.
2006 - Published in : AIP Conf. Proc.: 853 (2006) , pp. 49-54 External link: Published version from AIP
In : International Conference On Reaction Mechanisms And Nuclear Structure At The Coulomb Barrier, San Servolo, Italy, 19 - 23 Mar 2006, pp.49-54
Excitation energies of superdeformed states in the Pb isotopes / Wilson, A N ; Dracoulis, G D ; Hübel, H ; Davidson, P M ; Korichi, A ; Astier, A ; Azaiez, A ; Bazzacco, D ; Bourgeois, C ; Byrne, A P et al.
2006 - Published in : AIP Conf. Proc.: 831 (2006) , pp. 273-277 External link: Published version from AIP
In : International Conference on Frontiers in Nuclear Structures, Astrophysics and Reactions, Kos, Greece, 12 - 17 Sep 2005, pp.273-277

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